Couple Pretty Young Ladies Fishing


A naughty little bunny...
Nov 28, 2011
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We had some company here for the day yesterday so I took the opportunity to take some pictures of people :)
Here are my favourite shots from the day.
I'm working for the next bit on getting people right so I'm ready to take some senior prom pictures of Miss. Emily so C&C would be greatly appreciated!

I framed these pretty close, it seems to be a bad habit of mine when shooting people and pets.

Miss Emily
I wasn't sure what to do with her leg in this one, this is full frame, I should have shot wider so I had options I think.

Miss Sharla, both of these I wish I framed wider to get more of her fishing rod in the frame.

This is Miss Sharla through and through :)
Cute shots! Always nice to have attractive people willing to have their photo taken :)

They do seem to be a bit underexposed, but I do love the DOF; subjects seem crisp while the BG is nice and blurred out. Also, it would be really nice to see more of the fishing that's taking place. I like number one, a wider shot could have shown more of the poll. The second two (and I hope I don't get chastised!) would have worked in landscape, to show the poll/body of water.
Thanks Jowens :)

I wish there was more in both of them also :( The ones of Sharla I remember thinking "don't you dare cut her hands off" and totally gapped on the pole lol I bet I don't forget next time.

The exposure I can try to fix though :)

Here are the edits.

Try capturing them fishing? I don't really like how the rod is cut off in 2 and 3, pictures when people are fighting a fish are always great.
this is one of my favorites that I've taken with that idea DSC_0201 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Hi Judi,

Sharla is cute as button -- nice photos. The photos aren't as much underexposed as they are a tad flat and the white balance is off a bit.

White balance can be slippery; sometimes we prefer photos that are off a little, especially when they're photos of people. So your photos are leaning warm which frankly may be just fine. Anyway here's Sharla with the white balance adjusted neutral and the contrast raised a bit.


Yo Doug -- what fish? I don't see any fish. I see the back of some kid's head while he's trying to free a snagged line. I think Judi's photos are much better.


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