Crazy new film colorization technology!


Semi-automatic Mediocrity Generator
Supporting Member
Jul 16, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
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Shot a roll of Kodak 400 T-Max tru my Nikkormat FT3. I have a bad habit of forgetting what film camera I was shooting, so I've developed the habit of adding one 'selfie' of the camera to the roll so I can keep things straight.

I took that shot and ran it thru an app I picked up called Pixbim Color Surprise AI. Amazingly, it guessed that the hat I was wearing was orange- crazy! Most all of the colors it selected were pretty legit.

PS- the mask was NOT pink (software missed that), and even tho I wrote the reminder as Tri-X on the mask, it was actually T-Max. Guess I had a flashback.
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That is impressive.
Yeah, this is neat. Seems fun to play around with.
Downloading it now to give it a try
I thought it was pretty cool and decently accurate. Not really sure what I would do with this other then be curious and toss in random photos.

For the average person I guess this is OK but as a pro-retouch artist not so much.
For the average person I guess this is OK but as a pro-retouch artist not so much.
No doubt- but it's a lot of fun for us amateurs. I see that photoshop has a beta version of colorize under 'neutral filter' as well.
For the average person I guess this is OK but as a pro-retouch artist not so much.
Agreed - for adding simple color and letting the software make a decent guess, it looks pretty neat! But I'm a hands-on, photo hand coloring artist, with photo oils and pencils and such - so I have a different approach. :lol:

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