Critque these 2 please


TPF Noob!
Sep 8, 2006
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

Hallo Mortallis, and welcome to ThePhotoForum.

I'm afraid I'll have to move these two photos to the General Gallery since you are not asking for any specific kind of critique, just a general one. That is what the General Gallery is for.

I also put spaces between your photos so now they show one UNDER the other and not NEXT to it - that is why your post now says "Last edited by LaFoto".

(Guidelines to our Photo Critique section are right on top of the section in the Photo Critique FAQs that you find here , OK?)
ok thanks sorry im new here didnt no where to put them, be hard please if you do not like anything about them tell me
I can't find out what #2 is. Is it a statue of a boy reading something? It's too bright to see good details. I think your dog is very cute, but I do not think the picture is too special. Welcome to the forum:)
Neither really do much for me.

Is number 2 a plastic bag? There isn't much detail in these shots. I would cut back on the processing end of what you are doing.

Number 1 does have some potential. I do like the composition.
number 1 i like, the shades of the dogs fur do it
but be careful to make sure the pictures are nice and straight when you scan them (if thats what happened? cause its kinda crooked)

i cant really understand what 2 is suppose to be

but keep shooting welcome to the forum like to see more stuff when you have it
ya i scanned it sideways, i dont use a darkroom right now im just playing around and having the local drug store process them for me but soon i get to go into the darkroom :p, the second one is a boy sitting on a bunch with flowers around him, it didnt turn out really liked i planned it too, what can i do to make the pictures better?
F 8
100 ISO
37 mm FL
Shutter Priority

"The Feeder"

F 7
100 ISO
34 mm FL
Shutter Priority

Absolute Candid--Called his name as he walked by

Most reactions
