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Sep 5, 2015
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I picked up a insanely cheap D610, grip and it's not stolen. 4k shutter clicks. I probably won't use it much but the person just wanted it to go to a good home. They are perfectly happy with their iPhone. It came with a 70-300 fx VR. Is this still a pretty good camera? I was thinking of using it for soccer games and indoor basketball (probably get a used 85 1.4 or 1.8 for basketball). Any insight would be cool. Thanks.
enjoy one of the best sensors on the market today!
enjoy one of the best sensors on the market today!
Cool. I am not up on Nikon these days, not much about it online. It seems fine but I haven't worked it out yet.
enjoy one of the best sensors on the market today!

Sensor, files created--Extremely GOOD.

Battery performance--AMAZING

I got a D610, Nikon grip, 2 chargers and 4 batteries two summers ago. Its a pretty good shooter for many things.
enjoy one of the best sensors on the market today!

Sensor, files created--Extremely GOOD.

Battery performance--AMAZING

I got a D610, Nikon grip, 2 chargers and 4 batteries two summers ago. Its a pretty good shooter for many things.

I took it out yesterday, very impressed. I love the feel of it with the grip. You know, when I was looking to upgrade a couple years back, the camera store had me hold one and I didn't like the feel but they didn't put the grip on it, makes all the difference in the world to me. I think I may up selling my XT2 and lenses. I don't like having too many choices. I can see the XT2 collecting dust. The think the AF speed is much snappier which is what I'll primarily use it for. Sports action outdoors, low light indoors. GFX50R for everything else.
I wish they'd release a D650, same exact camera with an updated processor and AF module.

It will hunt in low light as it's still using the old D7000 AF module and needs an update.
The AF of the D610 is the camera's weakest area, in my opinion.
the weak area. :)
the weak area. :)

Yeah, weak in comparison to the 51-point AF module in the D3x, D800, D810,etc.. but better than the AF in many other 'good camera' models of the past and present. It depends on one's POV, I would say.
i own both the D610 and D750, much the same camera only the D750 fix's a lot of the problems that come with the D610, but still the D610 is an amazing low light camera, get the 20mm f1.8g nikon lens for it and your have a killer Astro and landscape setup

I wish they'd release a D650, same exact camera with an updated processor and AF module.

It will hunt in low light as it's still using the old D7000 AF module and needs an update.
They did But its called the D750 oO lol
The d600/610 is a great camera. Had a few of them before we switched to Fuji and had few complaints overall. Kinda surprised the 610 didn't go with the 51pt AF system. Really missed that from the D300.
Still, the 24mp sensor produced great results and the camera had a good overall feel to it.
Getting one on the cheap = win.
I wish they'd release a D650, same exact camera with an updated processor and AF module.
Are you by any chance unaware of the existence of the D750 ?

As others have said before your posting alread, the sensor is very good.

There are rumors that there soon will be a D760, which probably means we'll get the Z6 sensor in a DSLR. Unlike the D600/D610/D750 sensor, its backlit.

P.s.: Oh and according to the rumors the D760 will get the AF module of the D500/D850/D5, too.

[...] I think I may up selling my XT2 and lenses. I don't like having too many choices. I can see the XT2 collecting dust. The think the AF speed is much snappier which is what I'll primarily use it for. [...]

The X-T2 and even more the successor X-T3 have very fast and reliable autofocus, if you feed them the right lenses (like the "red" Fujinon XF 50-140mm f2.8 OIS) and correctly tell the camera in what autofocus mode it should operate.
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I wish they'd release a D650, same exact camera with an updated processor and AF module.
Are you by any chance unaware of the existence of the D750 ?

As others have said before your posting alread, the sensor is very good.

There are rumors that there soon will be a D760, which probably means we'll get the Z6 sensor in a DSLR. Unlike the D600/D610/D750 sensor, its backlit.

P.s.: Oh and according to the rumors the D760 will get the AF module of the D500/D850/D5, too.

[...] I think I may up selling my XT2 and lenses. I don't like having too many choices. I can see the XT2 collecting dust. The think the AF speed is much snappier which is what I'll primarily use it for. [...]

The X-T2 and even more the successor X-T3 have very fast and reliable autofocus, if you feed them the right lenses (like the "red" Fujinon XF 50-140mm f2.8 OIS) and correctly tell the camera in what autofocus mode it should operate.

Yup, it works fine. I have no issue with the XT2, it's a fine camera. The GFXR has really spoiled me. The image output is incredible on it. I will be trying the D610 at a soccer game in a couple weeks. If it works and looks better, the XT2 will never get used.
I have to say, D610 is better than XT2 at sports action AF.
D610 output is VERY good! The AF is the weakest point, at least with consumer-speed zooms.

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