Daylight moon & Barn

Majeed Badizadegan

TPF Supporters
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Took this one on a walk today. The moon was out since early afternoon.

Took this one with my 8 month old strapped to me so popping off the exposures was a bit of a challenge :lol:


Slightly larger

CC welcome
Not bad at all composition is pretty good the branch on the left top corner could be cloned out which would be more pleasing. There is some haloing around the top of the barn and the the trees behind the barn blend in with the trees towards the further trees. This takes away the Z depth of the image. The gets lost in this space and rejects that area. Perhaps some dark contrast on the foreground tree would be of use to separate the distant trees. The only other thing is the grass looks very bright and could probably use some color correction.

Over all minor things that could use some work and could make this a winner and with an 8 month strapped to you not bad at all.
I like the gussets and overhang of the barn. :)
I like it! Clean and simple, with great colors :)


Not bad at all composition is pretty good the branch on the left top corner could be cloned out which would be more pleasing. There is some haloing around the top of the barn and the the trees behind the barn blend in with the trees towards the further trees. This takes away the Z depth of the image. The gets lost in this space and rejects that area. Perhaps some dark contrast on the foreground tree would be of use to separate the distant trees. The only other thing is the grass looks very bright and could probably use some color correction.

Over all minor things that could use some work and could make this a winner and with an 8 month strapped to you not bad at all.

I see what you're saying:


I like the gussets and overhang of the barn. :)

Had to google "gussets" :lol:
Nice edit I think now the image is more pleaseing and there's contrast in the tree area which helps seperate them and give more depth.
I like the first shot. Your suggested edit helped and I love that golden glow from the setting sun in the fields. Well done.
All I did was try to straighten it a little and had to crop in just a bit. I think it looks better now. When I look at this barn it reminds me of a spaceship or something of that nature. Pretty cool structure, you should take pictures of the ceiling when you get a chance and push those textures of the wood.

Ya if you could remote fire a couple of flashes hidden behind the wall pointed at the ceiling at night would make for an interesting shot.

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