Dealing With a Quirky Customer


Jedi Bunnywabbit
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Sep 2, 2005
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I have this customer I'm working with now.

They're good people and I enjoy working with them. Not a lot of business, but a few bucks here and there, and again... good folks.

Anyway, I have this pre-arranged contract with them where I'll shoot some stuff for them for a couple hundred bucks. It sounds low, but it's relatively easy work so I'm not too concerned about it.

I did this for them recently and the results weren't exactly right. It seemed mostly out of my control- something in the subject matter, but it wasn't great. I looked back to some of the older images and they had accepted similar results, so I let it be and sent it along without comment. They DID respond back saying they weren't totally pleased. Ok, no problem.

So I responded saying I was good with them not wanting to accept the images, and basically that there wasn't too much more I could do... but I did have one idea and suggested I try that with a couple of them and they can let me know if it works and I would re-shoot on my dime. They said that would be great.

So I tried the two images and sent them back to them and they were pleased with them and said yes would you please re-shoot. They also slipped in a "oh we'd like it to be of this REVISED subject matter, though" and substituted similar but different subjects. I grit my teeth over that, but mostly let it pass since I had to reshoot anyway. I said "I normally wouldn't accept a substitution, but where I need to redo these anyway it's fine."

They had specified particular images I had taken that they were interested in (about 8 of the 40) so I retook those with the new method and sent them back. They responded saying they looked great... only...

...NOW they're saying "What we really need is 5-6 shots of the general idea you show in shot #XX... can you reshoot and send us some of those? That'd be great."

Now I'm sitting here like... "Ummm... really? You want me to set this all up AGAIN and reshoot AGAIN? You could have specified this desire in the first place or at least when I said I was reshooting... but now?" Mind you, this is them seeing my creative interpretation of their subject and saying "Oh yeah! THAT ONE!", but they really could have done this before I did the reshoot, and didn't.

I'm inclined to tell them I'll do it for an additional fee, but not otherwise. I don't want to be a jerk about this, nor do I want to levy any sort of fee for additional work done to make up for what I honestly feel were MY failings here, but this strikes me as I need to set a clear understanding with them that my time is not free... but without being an ass. :)

So, what I'm wondering is...

1. Do folks agree I should suggest doing it with an additional charge?
2. What do folks think the charge should be (keeping in mind the low initial cost of $200 to begin with)

I'm already eating it on $/hour on this one. :lol: (It's a very... frugal... client, btw. I'm ok with being a little inexpensive with them as they generally make it pretty easy on me to do the work, but this is getting a little silly)

Any other thoughts welcome and appreciated as well.

Thanks all!
Sounds like they are treating you like a two-dollar ***** now... (keep in mind that expression dates wayyyy back, to the days when it cost $10 for a good *****).

Man...sounds like a PITA...they're used to a laissez faire relationship, and so were you, and now it's down to this. Depending on how your relationship is with them, I think maybe you do need to gently but firmly insist that an additional re-shoot will cost them money. Otherwise, where might this end? I do not envy the position you find yourself in. I hope it works out okay. Not knowing the particulars, or the parties involved, my gut feeling is that if you work cheap enough, they will gladly pay for a re-shoot, and then the NEXT time...some brass tacks will need to be gotten down to before the shoot, to avoid a similar attitude on their part.
that's a tough situation. they obviously are accustomed to you doing work for them on the cheap(ish). now it seems they are trying to squeeze in additional work "while your working for them anyway". it will come down to how happy you want to make them for what they are paying you. you have already set the price standard for them, now you have to decide what the work standard is for that price. and whether this is a "one time deal" for all the "free" changes. I dont think its so much a "bad" idea to just do the work for them now, but just remember they will expect the same treatment on every job from now on if you do.
Yuck! I think you've done more than enough to make up for the issue, and if they've basically changed all of the parameters of the shoot, IMO, it becomes an entirely new deal. I would charge them; maybe not full, new-commission rate, but at least enough to cover your moustache-wax bill...
Yuck! I think you've done more than enough to make up for the issue, and if they've basically changed all of the parameters of the shoot, IMO, it becomes an entirely new deal. I would charge them; maybe not full, new-commission rate, but at least enough to cover your moustache-wax bill...

make sure to charge enough to get the good stuff...
like Drews Moose Stache wax, Stache bomb, or Hndlebars. (Devils Choice or Oregon Wild Hair if you need a stiffer hold).
Yuck! I think you've done more than enough to make up for the issue, and if they've basically changed all of the parameters of the shoot, IMO, it becomes an entirely new deal. I would charge them; maybe not full, new-commission rate, but at least enough to cover your moustache-wax bill...

make sure to charge enough to get the good stuff...
like Drews Moose Stache wax, Stache bomb, or Hndlebars. (Devils Choice or Oregon Wild Hair if you need a stiffer hold).

I find that having a nice greasy breakfast does the same job. Little bacon grease goes a long way.
Update that 'pre-arranged contract', ASAP.

It will take some time for the wound to heal -
Put the money part aside for a moment and ask yourself if you feel that you are giving them the best that you can give. If the answer is yes, then I would charge another session fee. If the answer is no, then I would do whatever I needed to do to make them happy.
Yuck! I think you've done more than enough to make up for the issue, and if they've basically changed all of the parameters of the shoot, IMO, it becomes an entirely new deal. I would charge them; maybe not full, new-commission rate, but at least enough to cover your moustache-wax bill...

make sure to charge enough to get the good stuff...
like Drews Moose Stache wax, Stache bomb, or Hndlebars. (Devils Choice or Oregon Wild Hair if you need a stiffer hold).

I find that having a nice greasy breakfast does the same job. Little bacon grease goes a long way.

Dapper Dan!

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How many people are you dealing with, two maybe three? Try to identify the more dominant one and then kneecap them. The others should fall right in line.
I would take all these suggestions and wrap it in a nice pita wrap and tell them with a new contract with at least the CODB, and let them know ahead of time that the next re-take they want it is going to be the full charge. Happy hunting Manabunny.
How many people are you dealing with, two maybe three? Try to identify the more dominant one and then kneecap them. The others should fall right in line.

Is that how you deal with your propane comic customers bent? :)
Update that 'pre-arranged contract', ASAP.

It will take some time for the wound to heal -

Trust me people, you GOTTA watch the video that KmH just linked to!!!!! WARNING: Contains Strong,coarse language...(SOB! and the F-word)

Ok, first... thanks for the advice, folks. Sounds like I'm well grounded at least. And I do think I've done more than right by them up to this point.

Second... the kneecap thing made me burst out loud.

Third... that is my faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavorite movie. :)

Thank you everyone. I'll let you know what happens.

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