Deer in BW Let me know what you think please


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Oct 8, 2012
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I have been playing around with some photo's and want to know what everyone thinks.
$whitetail deer bw.jpg
$Buck BW.jpg
Oh ya here is a turkey photo.
$_DSC0014 black and white.jpg
The lighting and contrast and tones are good. The first is the best with sharpness but there's too much negative space on the right. You should have aimed more to the left. The last has movement. The second is too busy; confusing with the corn stalks. (How'd the deer run through that field?) Maybe a smaller DOF would help on this and the others as well to focus on the main subject rather than the whole field. Nice shots.
I think they all could use some pp touch up. The first is great...focus issues on the other two. Especially the last
hey! i think they are great shots, nice work!

if i would have to change something here would be my suggestions:
for the first image i would shift the frame a bit to the left so the deer is not in the center and there is more space at the head-side of it.

for the second i actually do like this abstract/surreal touch the vegetation adds to the image i wouldn't change much there. i like this one a lot!

for the third i would straighten the horizon if possible (i'm not sure if that is just an optical illusion by the white stripes on the floor and it's actually level) and maybe crop a bit of the vegetation from the top. also a great shot!

awesome work :)
Of course the choice is yours, but I'm not sure any of these are good candidates for B&W. In fact, to me anyway, this type of photo often relies on the color to make or break the shot. Just throwing those two cents in the pot.
Hey thanks everyone for your feed back, Ya I was wondering myself if these would be good candidates for B&W as well. Ah well just have to keep plugging along.
Thanks again
The second shot is the one that does it for me - perhaps in part because of sentimental attachment.

I agree with Rick on color. I'm also curious what your shutter speed was. I saved the file but couldn't see the exif info. I'm wondering if it's more of a movement issue than focus - that deer is not at full tilt, but moving right along. Wider aperture and you would have perhaps addressed both issues - fast shutter and a little isolation from the background. As far as the background being all cornstalks - I like it.
Can't remember what the shutter speed was its a older photo and it took me by surprise. I was driving down the road one morning and he was chasing a doe all over the place, had to take the photo out of the truck with the sun in my face. I was surprised it turned out at all.
What are good subjects for B&W photos?
Can't remember what the shutter speed was its a older photo and it took me by surprise. I was driving down the road one morning and he was chasing a doe all over the place, had to take the photo out of the truck with the sun in my face. I was surprised it turned out at all.
What are good subjects for B&W photos?

For me B&W its all about texture and tones. Weathered wood, stone and rust are a few textures which render nicely in B&W. Tones could be items you are trying to maintain the vintage look of the Subject. Ronlane vintage urban signs are a very good example where crisp, contrasty tones make the photo. It's hard to explain. For me anyway, it's more of a feeling.

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