Déjà vu


Chief Free Electron Relocator
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Mar 8, 2011
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While scanning my slides, I thought I had a sense of déjà vu... as if I had seen an image before. So I went back and checked.

It wasn't déjà vu. I had two shots of the same scene.

The first I scanned in the other day... taken by my Grandmother in September of 1964.


The second, taken by me, in March of 1983.


Both are of Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado. I know of two other instances where I've taken the same shot she did, but I didn't know I had this one! I'll post those, as well as any others I stumble across, here when I run across them. She would have been using a Vivitar 35mm rangefinder, and I used a Pentax ME Super with a 28mm SMC.
I like how your grandmother framed her shot between the two trees - nice composition.

I've had that happen - I have a shot of Jordan's Pond in Acadia Nat. Park that is almost identical to one I later found in a book - down to the same rock in the water. Iconic places, I guess.
I like how your grandmother framed her shot between the two trees - nice composition............

It's a shame she never learned how to set the camera for a proper exposure. She never did bother with ASA, shutter speed, apertures 'n' whatnot. She just looked through the viewfinder and clicked. Far too many of her captures are beyond salvaging.... they're far too light or dark.
Aw, that is sooo cool! What a great find.

I *wish* that I could duplicate some of my grandfather's old slide images. Alas, most of the ones I have are from the years he spent in South America or the Azores--don't get me wrong, I'm GLAD I have those, and they are really cool to look at, but just not anything I can go duplicate. Unless someone wants to give me a big ole' pile of money so I can travel to those places! :D
..........Unless someone wants to give me a big ole' pile of money so I can travel to those places! :D

Hold on. Lemme go check under the cushion of the couch and the ashtray in the truck..................

I know the feeling. My dad served during the Korean war stationed in Salzburg Austria. I'd love to go there and revisit the places he was at. However, I doubt I'll ever get rich enough. Fortunately for me, a Broadway musical got made into a movie back in 1965 and we can see a lot of his shots in it.

Oh, and the movie is The Sound of Music. Yep.... dad has a lot of photos that you can see in the movie.
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..........Unless someone wants to give me a big ole' pile of money so I can travel to those places! :D

Hold on. Lemme go check under the cushion of the couch and the ashtray in the truck..................

I know the feeling. My dad served during the Korean war stationed in Salzburg Austria. I'd love to go there and revisit the places he was at. However, I doubt I'll ever get rich enough. Fortunately for me, a Broadway musical got made into a movie back in 1965 and we can see a lot of his shots in it.

Oh, and the movie is The Sound of Music. Yep.... dad has a lot of photos that you can see in the movie.

:shock: Seriously? Okay...That is just COOL.
..........Unless someone wants to give me a big ole' pile of money so I can travel to those places! :D

Hold on. Lemme go check under the cushion of the couch and the ashtray in the truck..................

I know the feeling. My dad served during the Korean war stationed in Salzburg Austria. I'd love to go there and revisit the places he was at. However, I doubt I'll ever get rich enough. Fortunately for me, a Broadway musical got made into a movie back in 1965 and we can see a lot of his shots in it.

Oh, and the movie is The Sound of Music. Yep.... dad has a lot of photos that you can see in the movie.

:shock: Seriously? Okay...That is just COOL.

He says the fountain they sing around was right across the street from the train station and was the first thing he saw when he got there. Did you know the real Maria Von Trapp is in the movie?

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