I recently bought a Nikon D40x digital camera for my wife. We have been using a Nikon D80 for many years and have the Nikkor AF 35-70mm 2.8 D and Nikkor ED AF 70-300mm D lenses. I now come to realize that these lenses do work with our new camera if we want the auto focus. We are not photography experts by any means and in hindsight, I should have done more homework before my purchase. So the decision is to upgrade (return the D40x) to the D70 or D80 camera (I think it's about $300 more)or sell our Nikkor lenses and buy a comparably priced lens (or lenses) that will work with our D40x (not sure what these cost yet). Would it really matter which option we take or should we just choose the least cost option? Would we really see better pictures going down one path versus the other? This is my first posting on a photography site and we have decided to take a photography course togther since our children will be having events where we should really know the difference between aperature and focal length, back-lighting (other digital video knowledge as well). Any help would be appreciated...this is all pretty new to us. We inherited the Nikkor lenses and were told that they were better than the other Nikon lenses that sometimes come with a camera (i.e. we originally just bought the body of the N80 before we decided to go digial this year)
Thanks! and Happy Holidays!
Thanks! and Happy Holidays!