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Digital Picture Frames


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2007
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Hello Everyone

I am the type of person that points and clicks, so my knowledge of photography is less than nothing!!

I need to ask a question...my daughter has one of those picture frame thingys that you insert a card in the back and your photos are displayed in a slideshow format.

In the past I have downloaded photos from the card onto the pc, now though, I want to go the other way...add photos from the PC to the card so I can add to the 'slideshow'.

Is this possible??

Welcome to the forum.

This should certainly be possible. When you have the card connected to the PC (either via the camera or a card reader), it should show up as an external drive. Simply drag and drop some JPEG images onto the card to copy them over.

That should do it, I would think.
I do the same thing.

1- pop card into card reader
2- go to "my computer" and open up card
3- drag and drop pictures you want onto the card.


Now thats what I call a quick reply.

Thanks ever so much guys...

Will give my daughter a call and give her the good news.....:mrgreen::mrgreen:


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