DIY 35mm TLR

Funky! That first one almost has the look of pictures I've seen taken with a Brownie with a reversed lens.
There is severe vignetting at close focus distances, but it seems to go away after about 10-15 feet. And the edges are nicely blurred - similar to the Lensbaby Muse (plastic lens) that I have.
Dude--the double-exposure of the door and door knocker is awesome!!!! I also liked the jack o'lantern. I am pretty impressed at the rich, vibrant color that lens can's got that sort of Canon L-glass rich,saturated color look to it! ;-)
Dude--the double-exposure of the door and door knocker is awesome!!!! I also liked the jack o'lantern. I am pretty impressed at the rich, vibrant color that lens can's got that sort of Canon L-glass rich,saturated color look to it! ;-)
Yeah, I think I'm going to have to borrow some of my wife's red nail polish and put a ring on the lens. :lol:

(I probably will do that, because why not. Actually, I have a bottle of touch-up paint that came with one of my toolboxes - I'll give it a Snap-On red ring, lol.)
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Now I need to run another roll through it to check the image quality of the new lens...
BAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

I love the double exposure of the beer bottles. Now I want a beer. Effective advertising. Very sneaky.

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