Do you take your DSLR if you are a guest at a wedding?


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May 15, 2011
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I'm going to a friend's wedding later, and debating on taking my camera. Do you guys take yours?
If I do take it, I'll probably take only one lens. I have a 50 1.4, 85 1.8, 70-200 f4 L, and 28-135, all canon. I'm thinking either the 50 or 85. Any recommendations?
I personally dont. Just drink and have fun!

DSLR is just another camera. Everyone loves taking their camera. If you want to bring it, go ahead. If your intention is to build your "wedding" portfolio, I would say no.
Yes, but I also respect the photographer. If they ask me not to use flash, I won't. Also, if you stay out of their way, and let them get their shots, they will let you get yours.
Yes. I try not to disturb who is really working.
I will usually take mine, and as above, i'll make sure to give the photographer the key spaces and stay out of there way so they can do there job.
I personally dont. Just drink and have fun!

DSLR is just another camera. Everyone loves taking their camera. If you want to bring it, go ahead. If your intention is to build your "wedding" portfolio, I would say no.

Also, I agree that you shouldn't try to build your portfolio at someone else's shoot. Personal pics only.
I hate taking bad pictures. If I do bring a camera, well.. I will have a problem. My 5D doesnt have a built in flash. If I bring my external flash, I will look like a tool (being a guess with already big camera with huge flash). If you dont think you look like a tool, someone else will or the photographer will.

If I were you, I would either not bring it or just bring the 50mm.

I have seen a guest on one of my weddings bring multiple lenses, flash, gary fong. Now.. he is a tool!
Bring something that fits in your pocket and enjoy the party. That's why you're going, after-all - the party, not pictures. You have to know when to "turn it off".
thats why I really want this Fuji x-100. Waiting for the used price goes down.
Bring it if you know you're going to get bored. lol otherwise i'd leave it at home.
Bring it if you know you're going to get bored. lol otherwise i'd leave it at home.
How could you get bored at an event where free booze is flowing? :lmao:

You can get bored if the booze is not free and the girls arent pretty :D Not all weddings have free booze AND OR pretty ladies.
I'm not building a portfolio, just would like to get some good shots for them from a different perspective. I may not mess with it.

I'm thinking if I do take it I'll take the 50, leave the flash and all that at home. I don't want to miss the free drinks, but maybe having the camera will make me pace myself a bit, lol.

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