Do you think I should sell my Nikon D7000 and buy a compact?


TPF Noob!
Dec 3, 2013
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So, as the title asks, should I sell my Nikon D7000?
I love it to bits and it's easy to use, and it takes wonderful photos, but it's cumbersome to carry around and I would rather shoot with something smaller. I'd hate to part with it but seems like a waste when it's just dusting on the shelf most of the time. I've started taking photos with my phone instead, it takes surprisingly good shots in decent light. Besides, it's not about the camera, it's the photographer, right? That said, I do want a camera with easy manual settings — something I could use like an SLR.
My parents, whose income I'm still regrettably dependent on, don't seem to think it a good idea because I wouldn't get it's original price back. I believe it would be a good time to sell now because the longer I wait, the more its specs get out of date.
Tough question to answer. For many people, a Nikon D7000 could be a "fifteeen year camera", capable of making good images for a long,long,long time. it could be your "good camera" for many years. If it's already payed for,'s payed for.

Selling occasionally-used gear at a loss is not a smart move, unless the new gear is REALLY needed, so in this way, your parents are right. Start thinking like an older adult, and you start to see the wisdom of buying and OWNING and KEEPING things, for the "long term". Buy, own, keep,use. It's a proven method. This is especially true of camera LENSES.

Why not just use your phone? Why do you sell off a good camera, to buy a lesser camera? IS that a smart strategy? It might, or might not be, depending on your plans for the D7000. You could own two cameras, a 'serious' one, and an 'everyday' or 'fun' camera.
You could own two cameras, a 'serious' one, and an 'everyday' or 'fun' camera.
Yep thats what I did.
I own a D7100 and use it most of the time but when ever I feel like going light and not "schlep" my Nikon and lenses I take my Canon G15 which is a fantastic point and shoot.
Its much smaller then my DSLR but is a very good capable camera that I love to use.

Get a good point and shoot and keep the D7000 for the more serious photography.
Add a compact. Don't replace the SLR.

I have 3 bodies - D700, D7100, and Ricoh GR. The GR gets a lot of use due to fitting in my pocket (and being awesome), but it would never be my only camera.
I guess you – and my parents – have a point. The way I thought about it was: if I'm not using it, why keep it? Although it might see some use, I'd rather pass it on to someone who might benefit from it some more. My phone doesn't offer advanced options like shutter speed and aperture dials like an SLR does, which is why I thought having a compact with those capabilities at hand would be wiser. Looking at it from another angle, maybe it isn't the best way to go. I suppose I could add instead of subtract. Or, maybe if I invested in a proper camera bag, so carrying the SLR around wouldn't be such a drag? Thanks for helping out, I think I have a better understanding of my options now. :)
Im a minimalist, so if you don't use it, sell it.
Im in the same boat but I sold off my D700 and gear before I had my mind set on another camera. I have been interested in the new mirror less cameras as they are becoming more and more popular…but, thats just it are they actually a new fad or are they actually the next leap into photography? The Olympus OMD EM1 is supposed to be one of the very best mirror less cameras and the Sony A7 and A7r the next step into FF compact cameras…but they come with a price tag.

I have asked myself many times should I have sold off the D700….parts of me say NO because now its hard to find a replacement that has all of what the D700 has. And I refuse to buy another D700 out of principle...

My thought is this..IF you do not use the D7000 for a year or close to a year then sell it. Because if you decide to sell it later you will only lose more money on resale I mean those are going for like $500-$600 used right now in a years time your probably down to $400-$500.

If you can afford to keep it and build your lens line up..look into the NEX 6 as it is a great camera I mean superb camera for what it cost and you are getting D7000 quality photos and if you wanted to use your lenses just by an adapter best of both worlds…even an NEX 5 would still be a great camera and even cheaper.

I personally would not go any lower than than an NEX 5 or 6 as a coming from a DSLR its nice to still have a DSLR in a small body and control of the camera. The point and shoots just are not replacements for DSLR

On a side note cell phones are great and thats what I had been using after I sold the D700 but I found myself downloading many camera apps to get the best results and there are so many times where the phones IQ sucked. If you never want to print photos then cell phones are ok but you can not compare cell phone pictures to regular cameras they just are not there yet. I missed to many moments of my kids by using a cell phone and I can not get those moments back.

Think about what you really want, how much you want to spend and pull the trigger. My motto is you only live once, be HAPPY!

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