Dogs in Action


TPF Noob!
Apr 10, 2009
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cute dogs, Love the expression of the white one on the 1st pic. it's like *holly crap. it's got my tail* !
i think the 2nd to last one would have been awesome if you didn't cut off his paws. And the last one would work well as a portrait shot, close cropped with the sides out. The focus is very nice in the last one, too.
i think the 2nd to last one would have been awesome if you didn't cut off his paws. And the last one would work well as a portrait shot, close cropped with the sides out. The focus is very nice in the last one, too.

Thanks for the input...I didn't even notice that the paw was cut off. :blushing: Hopefully it wasn't cropped on the original, I'll go back and take a look.
hahahah great pictures!!!

third is my favorite! sooo cute :)
I think you have a WB issue or too much saturation in the first two. I really like the interplay in #1, but looking (or even without) the color differences between #1 & 2 with the rest is a tell.

Great shot in #3, but clipping the ear is putting me off.

Clipped hind foot in #4.

I like the DoF in the last.

Keep at it, you got some great potential.
I think you have a WB issue or too much saturation in the first two.

I have to admit I got a little happy with the saturation option in Photoshop. :confused: I usually don't shoot in color (B&W lover here), how do you know when you have too much saturation? I guess my problem is that I don't know how to get warm, rich colors without enhancing the saturation. Tips?
Great shots. 1st and third are best imo. :)
beautiful photos, a bit oversaturated, though. I would just go with saturation until the colors start to look off. The first two are a bit too red, I'm guessing the little dog isn't pinkish :) Beautiful shots, though...

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