Down on the Farm


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 15, 2012
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West Springfield, MA
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Manitook Mountain overlooks an old farm and ruined silo in East Granby, CT.

This is my first location that I've actually really thought about the possibilities and potential of a re shoot. I mean many places I've wanted to go back to, but this location really has my mind racing with ideas.

I'm fairly happy with this one, but that mountain face gets hit by a sunrise nearly every day, not too mention winter and fall foliage. Im guessing moonlight could hit it too ? Will experiment with some different DOF as well. Was just excited about the possibilities here so wanted to share.

Any comments or critiques are welcome and appreciated. Tips or ideas are cool too Thanks

Nice processing.
I like the tonal contrasts.
I feel that is could be more complete if you had not chopped off the right side of the structure. But nicely done overall.
Nice processing.
I like the tonal contrasts.
I feel that is could be more complete if you had not chopped off the right side of the structure. But nicely done overall.

Thank you. I tried many other crops. I have rhe building in the original but didn't like it all that much so cropped it out. But I hear what you're saying. Kinda throws it off a bit. Went back today so will process some of those here later.
Your second image is much better. I am on my phone so I will only speak to the composition. The first seems very busy and crowded on top if he building being cut off. The second shows the scene better.
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Pretty nice the look of the old silo. Chopped the RHS of the barn!!
Looking at this image again, the image seems a little grey or sepia toned. Did you add that in post? If not I would bump the exposure a little to whiten it up a tad.
Looking at this image again, the image seems a little grey or sepia toned. Did you add that in post? If not I would bump the exposure a little to whiten it up a tad.

Yes scuba I did. It was converted to b&w using onOne Perfect B&w. Not sure exactly the particular name of the tone. Almost bluish to me.
Manitook Mountain overlooks an old farm and ruined silo in East Granby, CT.

This is my first location that I've actually really thought about the possibilities and potential of a re shoot. I mean many places I've wanted to go back to, but this location really has my mind racing with ideas.

I'm fairly happy with this one, but that mountain face gets hit by a sunrise nearly every day, not too mention winter and fall foliage. Im guessing moonlight could hit it too ? Will experiment with some different DOF as well. Was just excited about the possibilities here so wanted to share.

Any comments or critiques are welcome and appreciated. Tips or ideas are cool too Thanks

View attachment 64825

Hey I saw this one on your Flickr and I really like it. I agree with some of the people who already posted that with the right side of the barn chopped of, things look a little bit cluttered. The barn, the silo, the mountain, the truck. I think I might just like it better if the truck wasn't there actually.
The second one that you posted feels less cluttered but I miss having a more detailed look at the barn like you do in the first.
Thanks Steve and I agree with everything you said. I had have plenty chances to reshoot the location but the lighting or way I saw it wasn't right. I drive by it quite a bit at work so if it doesn't catch my eye I don't stop to play around.

Hopefully the next time I do I can put some of these suggestions to use.

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