DowntownLA fisheye threw the moonroof


TPF Noob!
Jul 14, 2013
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was able to get the camera out in traffic. quick snap, came out pretty sweet. i just wish i had the camera out earlier where there are more buildings.

How far did the fisheye throw the moonroof? :lol:

That looks like an OK photo taken thru a moonroof with a fisheye.
Composition-wise, there is too much sky and not enough buildings.
Try to find a location where the streets are narrower and the buildings are closer together. I think that would make for a more interesting shot.
What is the subject here ? That should be your question for as pointed out the sky dominates your image.
KyleG, if you think it's 'pretty sweet', your image was a total success. :thumbup:

The diagonals of the buildings make nice, strong leading lines, but where the lines meet they don't lead to anything of interest. Unless you count the top of the street light as interesting.
Composition-wise, there is too much sky and not enough buildings.
Try to find a location where the streets are narrower and the buildings are closer together. I think that would make for a more interesting shot.

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