Dragonfly, Damsel Fly and a Jumper


TPF Noob!
Aug 18, 2011
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Dragonfly on a granite bench

1" Damselfly on a grass stem (not really happy about the flash glare)

Crop of above to show detail

Small jumper of a type I had not seen before. Little guy was like 1/4" long... dinky!
The inquisitive head tilt on the jumper gets to me!
The inquisitive head tilt on the jumper gets to me!

hahaha... I was chasing him all over that granite bench the dragonfly was on.. and then he jumped on to the flagstones below it. I am trying to convince him to hold still long enough for a decent shot... and he finally stopped and gave me that look... like "Dude.. why are you messing with me?" That was the only decent shot of a dozen or so.. the little guy could move!
Very nice. Really like that second shot.
Dracaena, Nate... thanks! I appreciate it!
Very nice set Charlie, the damsel looks like I could reach out and pick it off the grass.
Very nice set Charlie, the damsel looks like I could reach out and pick it off the grass.

Thanks, PR! I need to get out more and shoot... another month or so, we will have more bugs available.
Wow!! You make me want to chase tiny creatures :) These are so very cool...
Nice shots! beautifully ugly creatures! :)
As usual,Making creepy critters look not so creepy from outstanding photography.:thumbup:
That dragonfly has some gorgeous colors in it--you need to go chase that thing down and get it from the front, Charlie! ;)

Man, I miss my macro lens...I've loaned it to my sister. I only intended to let her have it for a week, but it's been over a month now and to make matters worse, I found out on vacation that she hadn't even USED it in all that time. I've given her another week to actually use the thing and then I'm taking it back!!
That dragonfly has some gorgeous colors in it--you need to go chase that thing down and get it from the front, Charlie! ;)

Man, I miss my macro lens...I've loaned it to my sister. I only intended to let her have it for a week, but it's been over a month now and to make matters worse, I found out on vacation that she hadn't even USED it in all that time. I've given her another week to actually use the thing and then I'm taking it back!!
Yea get that thing back and do your magic.
Wow!! You make me want to chase tiny creatures :) These are so very cool...

Yvette, Thank you! It is a fun genre, although sometime less appreciated than infant photography for some reason! ;) lol!

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