Dream Quiver


Troll Extraordinaire
Mar 15, 2005
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What's in your dream quiver?

Here's mine:

1)Pentax ME Super
2)Nikon F6
3)Leica M6

1)Contax 645AF

1)Mamiya RZ
2)Mamiya 7II

A Wista or Arca 4x5 and an 8x10, with viewfinders, revolving metering backs, and reflex attachments

So far I have the ME Super covered :lol:
35mm: Nikon FM2n (got it)
Olympus Stylus Epic (got it)
Widelux (got it)

120: Rolleiflex (got it)
Zeiss Super Ikonta B
almost any 6x17

4x5: Wisner 4x5 SLR or Graflex RB Super D

digital: I want a camera that looks like an Olympus Stylus Epic, but holds a x1.6 or full frame digital sensor. The only features it needs that the Epic doesn't have is Av mode and a pc flash socket.
MaxBloom said:
What's in your dream quiver?

Here's mine:

1)Pentax ME Super
2)Nikon F6
3)Leica M6

1)Contax 645AF

1)Mamiya RZ
2)Mamiya 7II

A Wista or Arca 4x5 and an 8x10, with viewfinders, revolving metering backs, and reflex attachments

So far I have the ME Super covered :lol:

I had to Google "dream quiver", so now I know it has something to do with surfing. Like a wish list. OK, I'll play:

1) Nikon FM2n with 50/1.8 (got it)
2) Voigtlander Bessa R2a rangefinder with Ultron 35/1.7 (got it)

1) Bronica ETRSi 645 (got it)
2) Bronica SQ-A or almost any 6x6 SLR

1) Bulldog view camera that you build from a kit, only £150 plus cost of lens and back. They take 4x5 and rollfilm backs, and I like the idea of using it with Type 55 Polaroid film that gives you a print and a negative

Curiously enough, you can reach a point where you can buy any rig you want. When that happens, your attention turns to a study of light, composition and the appearance of the final print. Money's no longer an issue. You use whatever gear you have at hand, or perhaps even go retro. Personal photographic development [sorry!] becomes a struggle with your own inadequacies rather than with those of your purse/wallet.
Torus34 said:
Curiously enough, you can reach a point where you can buy any rig you want. When that happens, your attention turns to a study of light, composition and the appearance of the final print. Money's no longer an issue. You use whatever gear you have at hand, or perhaps even go retro. Personal photographic development [sorry!] becomes a struggle with your own inadequacies rather than with those of your purse/wallet.

True, but wishlists and new toys are fun. I make fun of the gear masturbators, but I am aware that I have some of the hairiest palms of all. ;)

Hand me any camera, and I'll figure out a way to get the job done, but give me my choice of gear, and I have definate opinions on which cameras I prefer to use. I don't mean that I think they are the best cameras for everyone, just the ones I like, and prefer to use.
Oh and i'd like one of these, too. The Pentax LX limited millenium edition, at only $2000 a piece.



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