Dug up some oldies. (one 'possibly' NSFW-ish )


TPF Noob!
Feb 2, 2010
Reaction score
Tempe, Arizona
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
**Put the NSFW on the title.. because im not sure whether her being 'that' revealing in the first shot is considered so or not. Better safe than sorry?***:lmao:

Was going through my picture folders recently and found these. Thought id see what kind of C/C I could get on these in hoped to better my portrait photography.
First of all, the first shot was taken before I got my DSLR with a Nikon Coolpix (used what I had at the time..lol):meh:
Second and third, when i first bought my dslr --testing it out on a friend ... so I was quite the noob in Portrait mode (tsk tsk):lol:

I've come a long way since then...just have not taken anything recently ( I'm working on that)

So as far as these go.. framing/composition, lighting(natural), PP, etc...
any pointers or even a good swift kick in the ass would be great :D lol

I learn from my mistakes.

So what do you think? Let me have it!:-P




The hair in her face in this one is driving me nuts..lol But i wasnt sure i should mess with it.

EDIT: Also, this isnt the first ive posted shots of her-- ( and her damn blue hair..lol) so yes, its not a blue 'tint' her hair has some bright ass blue streaks in it. ...thought id throw that in there. K im Done.:biglaugh:
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Other than the colorcast, clipped shoulder and shadow around her head, I think the first one is decent for auto p&s. I like the highlights on the skin on her shoulder, cheek, nose, and forhead, The second and third I think could use better lighting, but I am on my laptop so could not say for sure. They look a little dull like they need some fill. #2 doesn't look flattering. Looks like she doesn't have a neck, or is a hunch back. I would say other than the stray hairs being excessive, #3 is the best. It looks intimate and candid. If you had some better lighting with some highlights/glow, maybe a little skin smoothing and the stray hairs gone, I would think that #3 would be a pretty damn good shot. ( of course, thats just my personal taste though )
Bump. Really just 2 people? Maybe I should change my name to *Erose* haha :biglaugh:

yeah but then you'd have to use 1,000 smilies in every post. :sexywink:
Really? Ok...:gah::meh::sexywink::er::lmao::meh::hug::
:greenpbl::x:lol:;):drool::peacesign::razz::taped sh:

Yay Me! :clap::scratch: Is it working Yet?! :biglaugh:

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