

TPF Noob!
Oct 2, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Beauty does not have to be in a perfect skin, silky hair, or a crystalline look. It may be in the proportions, symmetry and naturalness.

Nikon D7000
ISO 100
1/200 seconds


If you want to see more of this session you can do so at: http://www.facebook.com/josecabrerafotografia
Or visit my website: Jose Cabrera Fotografia | Proyectos Fotograficos

Health for All.
Something about the lighting and conversion looks off. I can understand having a grittiness and an edge, but her legs look very underexposed in places, especially the calves, and it also looks like you burned out too much between them. There is this giant black hole under her wrists, which is weird.

I really do like the unconventional pose and concept. Maybe reshoot with different lighting.
Great shot!! Different, but it really works.
Why does it feel like this post is just done to drive traffic to your Facebook and Website? Agree with Jenko on the actual image. Interesting concept, but seems too grainy.
Why does it feel like this post is just done to drive traffic to your Facebook and Website? Agree with Jenko on the actual image. Interesting concept, but seems too grainy.

Pink...Who said you could post here?!
Why does it feel like this post is just done to drive traffic to your Facebook and Website? Agree with Jenko on the actual image. Interesting concept, but seems too grainy.

Pink...Who said you could post here?!

LOL - I thought I would come out and play tonight!

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