Error on new lens sigma 75-300


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Nov 10, 2013
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I really hope to get this solved today because i wanted to test my new lens today :(

The problem: when I am zoomed out (75mm) i get the "communication brtween camera and lens faulty, clean lens contact".

I have cleaned them and i still get thr problem.

This does not appear when I zoomed 135mm and above! :O.

I think that the mirror hits the back of the lens when zoomed out? But im not sure.

Please help because I really like thr lens itself! :)

I use the canon 600d

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I had a similar problem with a Sigma 75-300 for Canon lens bought used on the big auction site. Sometimes it would work, sometimes not. I suspected a intermittent connection within the lens. I returned it to the seller.
I checked all my Sigma lenses, the rear element does not move focusing or zooming.

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Is the Sigma lens an OLD lens? Some old Sigma lenses were made for EOS film based camera and have issue with the modern digital EOS camera.
Is the Sigma lens an OLD lens? Some old Sigma lenses were made for EOS film based camera and have issue with the modern digital EOS camera.

YES, that is the case with many older Siggies. I have a Sigma 70-210mm f/4~5.6 autofocus zoom that came on a Canon EOS Rebel film camera I picked up cheaply. It works only about one out of every five shots on my 20D or my 5D...the chip (well, the CPU) in the lens is clearly not correctly set up for those two significantly newer Canons.
Are there updates for the firmware on the older lenses? I know Sigma makes a dock for updating and modifying lenses.
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Im not sure but this is the one

I just found it strange that it happens under 125mm :(

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I know that older Sigma lenses don't always work on Sony cameras. I am not surprised that the same would be true for other cameras too.

Looking at Sigma's website, I did find some info about updating Micro Four Thirds mount lenses. I did not see anything about any other lens software updates.

Are there updates for the firmware on the older lenses? I know Sigma makes a dock for updating and modifying lenses.

They are putting USB ports into newer lenses, but older ones have to be sent in for re-chipping. Best thing is to contact Sigma to find out if they can or can't, but keep an eye on price. It might cost more to rechip (or just as much) as a newer second hand copy of a similar focal length covering lens
Are there updates for the firmware on the older lenses? I know Sigma makes a dock for updating and modifying lenses.

They are putting USB ports into newer lenses, but older ones have to be sent in for re-chipping. Best thing is to contact Sigma to find out if they can or can't, but keep an eye on price. It might cost more to rechip (or just as much) as a newer second hand copy of a similar focal length covering lens
They aren't actually putting USB ports *into* lenses are they? You are referring to using this: Sigma 878101 USB Dock Lens Firmware for Canon Lenses (Black): Camera & Photo ?
From what I learned, that USB dock only works for their latest Sigma lenses that released in the last couple years or so.
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Im not sure but this is the one

I just found it strange that it happens under 125mm :(

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That's definitely an older style lens. I think that's your problem, like the others said.
Are there updates for the firmware on the older lenses? I know Sigma makes a dock for updating and modifying lenses.

They are putting USB ports into newer lenses, but older ones have to be sent in for re-chipping. Best thing is to contact Sigma to find out if they can or can't, but keep an eye on price. It might cost more to rechip (or just as much) as a newer second hand copy of a similar focal length covering lens
They aren't actually putting USB ports *into* lenses are they? You are referring to using this: Sigma 878101 USB Dock Lens Firmware for Canon Lenses (Black): Camera & Photo ?

Ahh I think they might have with a few of the bigger ones (120-300mm) which is likely where I'm getting the idea from - or they just mentioned a USB port but mean the lens-cap approach. Either way its still a very efficient way for them to allow lens data updates.
Thank you all for the info ! So this is a old lens that needs a update?

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Google "Sigma lens re-chip" may yield some results. Based on the information I got in the past from the web, some were able to get Sigma re-chip their lenses while some were not. Some people even mentioned that Sigma will not do that anymore. And I believe I came across a site in the past that show people how to do it with one telephoto lens. ( But of course I do not have the web address, I was just following links in the past)

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