Escalators in a circle (B&W interior)

Nothing to improve. That's awesome!

Never true.

Any way to grab more details in the shadows?

Yes, I can totally agree with You - there is always something that we can improve in future or in particular case.
You touched sensitive area that I'm struggling with in almost all strong and juicy B&W converted pictures. I'm close to say that in most cases it is a compromise between range of details in dark tones and dynamic and conversion contrast. I like juice B&W photos the most! But I cannot say that it is a best way in most cases. In this particular one I think it is quite good compromise (missing details are irrelevant for the scene - IMO maintaining them could distract viewer's attention from the main motive), but of course I'm aware of the fact that someone can blame me for insufficient details in shadows (it's a matter of taste).
What do You think in this case?

Thank You for all Your comments and suggestions!

I agree with you. This photo is real contrasty - if that's what you're going for, then you've done a nice job. It really pops. Dunno if that fits the story of the photo, though. But if you want it real contrasty, no, losing the shadows isn't a problem here.
TehYoyo, thank You for explanations and opinions - its always good to get someone's (sometimes different, sometimes not) view.
Thx again and be my guest in other threads of mine :)
You figured correctly. I couldn't tell what was on the sides. If you want the full circle than you are correct, my idea will not work. Just the difference in our eyes is all. Thanks for considering.

DSRay, thank You for submitting Your view of this photo.
I'll stay with mine version due to whole circle, as I said before. However I think that the combination of those two compositions would be perfect for this scene.

I'll try to compose such photo, which would be a real challenge because of the crowd that usually appears in this shopping center...

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