European kingfisher


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Oct 4, 2014
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So took out my Tammy 150-600 G2 for a few shots on Saturday. Was the 1st time I could capture this kingfisher. I tried shooting with a monopod, but I was better shooting without it. I still need a lot of practice with this lens. C&C always welcome.


Nice shots the kingfishers you have there are more colourful then the belted kingfisher that we get here but probably just as anoyying or more anoyying
Nice shots the kingfishers you have there are more colourful then the belted kingfisher that we get here but probably just as anoyying or more anoyying
Thanks jr, yes they are very quick, but do tend to sit around for a few seconds if you're lucky. This is the only species we have around these parts.
Yes I think it's safe to say you got the swing of his lens,Very Nice shots of such a speedy and elusive bird. I am going to have to get this lens, I am really missing the reach that I had with the sigma, but think I am going to give the Tamron a try this time.I was trying go and stay light, but don't think I can hold out on the amazing long reach any longer.
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Yes I think it's safe to say you got the swing of his lens,Very Nice shots of such a speedy and elusive bird. I am going to have to get this lens, I am really missing the reach that I had with the sigma, but think I am going to give the Tamron a try this time.I was trying go and stay light, but don't think I can hold out on the amazing long reach any longer.
Thanks. Far from getting the swing of this lens. My keeper rate is terrible, and I need a lot of practice still. When I see the stuff coastal produces with this lens I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry. It does push me to know that with practice, I will get better.
When I see the stuff coastal produces with this lens I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry. It does push me to know that with practice, I will get better.

And I bought the same golf clubs as Tiger Woods, but I'm kind of sure I'll never duplicate his results no matter how much i practice lol

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