Ever seen The Joker on a hike?


TPF Noob!
Feb 11, 2016
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This was a first for me. I went on a early morning hike yesterday, and I threw my camera in my backpack at the last second. I usually don't bother taking it because I've done this hike so many times and I have plenty of shots up there. I don't know why I took it this time.

I came across this guy right as I was about head back down the trail. Asked him if I can get a picture, and he agreed. First one is a candid shot before I approached him, and 2nd is after I asked.

Feedback, please and thanks.

P.S. He also handed me his "business card" (A Joker playing card from the Rio hotel in Las Vegas with his number and instagram written on it)



Oh I've seen plenty of jokers on hikes but this would have been interesting to see. You must always remember Rule #1 never ever leave home without your camera. You never know when aliens will choose to come back.
Don't see that every day! A most unusual hiker sighting you had there.
That is some unique wildlife you have around there.
Very cool.

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