Experience with tradeins?


TPF Noob!
Oct 18, 2010
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San Diego
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Wondering if anyone has any experience trading camera gear. I have a couple of 35mm film cameras and a ton lenses and I'm just afraid that I would have a very hard time trying to find buyers on the secondary market.

I’m curious about others experiences including:
- Value received (i.e. $.50 on the $1)
- Options of store credit.
- Store suggestions.

I'm torn because I have some relatively valuable gear that gets no use, but I know that I will not get anything near the value from it.

Thanks in advance!
It depends what 35 mm cameras, what lenses, and their condition.

You will get more $$'s for whateve gear you have by selling it. You'll get much less by trading it in, but you avoid the hassle and uncertainty of selling the gear yourself.

The market for 35 mm film cameras and lenses is pretty depressed.

You can look at completed auctions on eBay to get an idea what you might be able to get $$ wise if you sell instead of trade.
This thread is a bit old as I went back and forth on what I should do, however, I feel it is worth documenting my experience in case there are others in a similar situation.
I ended up dealing with Adoroma and KEH, actually sending the gear to both for evaluation. I had good experiences with both, but a better experience, and offer, from KEH and decided to accept the deal. I was very surprised that both were not more flexible in offering more in store credit vs. cash, as my intention was to reinvest all money earned, plus a little extra into new glass. In the end I took the money and bought what I wanted used off a different forum and feel I really maximized my $'s. I might have done better selling everything individually myself, but after studying the market I determined that option could take some time and it seems the market for this gear is declining very fast (high supply low demand). Sad to see it go, but so happy to have high quality gear that I use on a daily basis. Also, it's somewhat amazing how much current gear is retaining its value.

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