February 2012 - Photo of the Month Nomination Thread

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hmm I recognise this place! And some of you!
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Voting for Feb is now up: http://www.thephotoforum.com/forum/tpf-photo-month/275537-voting-poll-potm-february-2012-a.html

After a much much too long break I'm glad to bring back to the forums the Photo of the Month competition. :mrgreen:

For those new to the site, or for those with rusty minds in need of a reminder, this competition runs each month; during the month members are able to nominate others photos (in this thread) for candidates for Photo of the Month. At the end of each month a poll is made and members then vote from the selection to find out who is the Photographer of the Month.

I'm also glad to say that we also have a range of prizes, offered up by the site admin. Winners of Photo of the Month will get:
Featured on the Front page of the site for the duration of the next month.
Free membership of the forums for 12 months.
And $25!


1) You may nominate up to THREE photos, no more.

2) Please include the name of the photo and the name of the photographer, in addition post a direct link to the thread where the photo was originally posted.... you can't nominate yourself.

3) You may nominate any photo posted during the month of February 2012 in the galleries. Photo must have been taken by the poster.

4) If someone else has already nominated a photo, please do not nominate it again. It makes it very confusing when it's time to make the voting thread. If a photo is nominated twice, your post may be edited or deleted.

5) The same person can only receive the POTM prize for winning, twice in a 6 month period. This person can still win POTM, but the not the prize repeatedly, though they will still get front page display.

How to nominate: Just right click the picture you'd like to nominate..... go to 'properties' and paste the location into the image icon on this thread as follows:

[ img ] paste url here [ /img]

done without the spaces. Then just add the name of the photographer, the title of the photo they gave it (if given, or thread title name) and then a link to the thread where it was posted.

So don't be shy - start nominating (just please remember to check the post dates on the thread before nominating :)) .
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Votes will be taken in a separate thread at the end of each month - each nominated photo (not photographer, a photographer may have more than one photo of their nominated) will have a slot and people will vote on which they wish to.
sweet.. Ill start looking for gems.
Remember they must be posted to the site in February, not before - so currently I don't think anyone qualifies (yes this is out a few hours early - depending where you are in the world that is;))
This will be really interesting!

I see only three drawbacks (for me personally, not problems with the plan):
--I will probably be out of nominations by February 2, if I keep checking threads by the likes of Lightspeed, cgipson and Bitter (and a few others too)
--I suspect the nominations will be *heavily* infused with photos by [see above].
--I suspect it will be a cold, cold day in a very hot place before one of my photos qualifies. :lmao:
But that's okay...maybe that's something to "aspire" to, lol.
I think this is a great idea. It will give that extra little push needed to try and create "masterpieces".

Looking forward to seeing what will be nominated and what styles end up winning.
This will be really interesting!

I see only three drawbacks (for me personally, not problems with the plan):
--I will probably be out of nominations by February 2, if I keep checking threads by the likes of Lightspeed, cgipson and Bitter (and a few others too)
--I suspect the nominations will be *heavily* infused with photos by [see above].
--I suspect it will be a cold, cold day in a very hot place before one of my photos qualifies. :lmao:
But that's okay...maybe that's something to "aspire" to, lol.

DON'T count yourself out!!! Set yourself a new goal if you have too!! You can do it!! :sexywink:
Schwettylens said:
Glad you asked. The topic is Nude photography.

I gave up nude photography. It made my subjects uncomfortable when I took their photos when I had no clothes on.
Nice idea!

And this at least will bring people posting also outside the beginners forum... ;)
mmm, I'm gonna hire a pornstar which is going to cost me more than $25.
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