February 2012 - Photo of the Month Nomination Thread

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This will be really interesting!

I see only three drawbacks (for me personally, not problems with the plan):
--I will probably be out of nominations by February 2, if I keep checking threads by the likes of Lightspeed, cgipson and Bitter (and a few others too)
--I suspect the nominations will be *heavily* infused with photos by [see above].

You know, there are a lot of amazing images posted in a month from more than that lot. Expand your forum browsing!
Besides, it's been my experience in competitions that abstracts rarely win, when up against landscapes, people, flowers, animals, etc. that are more easily appreciated and understood.
Schwettylens said:
Glad you asked. The topic is Nude photography.

Sweet! I have a nude shoot scheduled in 2 weeks.
Even if I were to try and up my game for POTM, I still don't think I would get any decent feedback on my images posted.

(After reading that sentence...... yep, it's all about me!)
Less talk more photos ;)

Unfortunately we cannot accept nudes since the winner will be displayed on the front page. This month there is no theme in particular, so feel free to submit whatever you would like! There's nothing to hold you back and you stand this win some nice benefits along with some cash :thumbup:
So must the photo have been taken in Feb as well? Or just posted in feb?
I'm pretty sure that it's any picture that is posted in Feb.
So every month someone can make a thread containing all of the great shots they've ever made and ask for nominations. I think that might get tiring to see the same pics getting nominated every single month (assuming they don't win). Perhaps make a rule stating that an image can only be nominated once?
I was planning on new work for myself...I do hope to see new from others too!
GeorgieGirl said:
I was planning on new work for myself...I do hope to see new from others too!

I agree. Otherwise you can just keep posting stuff that's been posted before.

Is there a rule where you can't post a picture that has already been posted?
I'm pretty sure that it's any picture that is posted in Feb.

This is correct, the photos don't have to be taken during the month, simply posted to the forums. Furthermore you can't "ask" to be nominated. All nominations and all votes are conducted by the membership.

To those worried, have a peek at the past running of the competition, its run for many years on the site without major problems, its simply something that got dropped as moderation staff came and went over the last year or so.
I do sports photography. so were do i post my picture were people can look at it and maybe nominate it?
The general gallery or the Photojournalism/Sports Gallery, or the people gallery...
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