Few more motorsport photos


TPF Noob!
Jan 15, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
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Just trying to put up some of my work for lots of comments. Never been on a forum so I want to see what others think of my work. I'll probably be a post whore for a little while, haha. Going to post some more pics in other parts of the forum as well so no one gets mad at me for posting pictures in the wrong sections, lol






Picture #1 has very noticeable highlighting around the light and moon.

The last two pictures seem pretty heavily saturated. If that's your style, fine, but it's something to consider.

I like the background in picture #2, but I think you'd be better off taking the picture towards sunset when the light isn't so harsh, or move into the shadow and take the picture without having the divide (shadow and sun).
First one is outstanding; second one is OK;third is very fine; fourth is OK;fifth is very good; in the last i think all the things in the premises makes it less attractive; the majesty of the thing demands a stand alone frame

Regards :D
Picture #1 has very noticeable highlighting around the light and moon.

The last two pictures seem pretty heavily saturated. If that's your style, fine, but it's something to consider.

I like the background in picture #2, but I think you'd be better off taking the picture towards sunset when the light isn't so harsh, or move into the shadow and take the picture without having the divide (shadow and sun).

I noticed the highlighting as well once I posted. Thanks for the critique. As far as picture #2, I was shooting a Mustang event at a local tuners shop so I had to deal with the mid day bogus sunlight. I just attempted a good photo with what I had to use for sunlight. The second to last photo isn't "heavily saturated" but I did add some color to the car itself. The last photo was just a fun edit for a friend so it is a bit saturated and I also used the blurred tool in PS. Thanks for the input! :thumbup:
Investigate how to use off camera strobed fill light (flash), and high speed sync strobed lighting.

Doing so lets you control the ambient exposure separately from the strobed light exposure.
Investigate how to use off camera strobed fill light (flash), and high speed sync strobed lighting.

Doing so lets you control the ambient exposure separately from the strobed light exposure.

That's what I want to work on next. Picking up a D7000 soon and probably some alien bees. Want to do 3 for some 3 point shooting with awesome lighting effects.

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