***Fight Club*** Round 13 voting!

Fight Club

TPF Noob!
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Pictures are here!

Voting lasts for 48 hours, ending at 3:00PM EST on Tuesday. Thanks to the participants!

Make sure you see all the pictures! There are 2 pages.

Voting is as follows:

1. [Topic] - [User]
2. [Topic] - [User]
3. How many posts? - LaFoto
4. Let's not talk about that - Fight Club

The topics were as follows:

1. More Bars in More Places

2. Lies

3. Royalty

4. Spring

5. It comes in a can
1. More Bars in More Places: kundalini

2. Lies: Chiller

3. Royalty: Chris of Arabia

4. Spring: Chiller

5. It comes in a can: accphotography
Okay here's my votes :)
1. robbie vlad
2. chiller
3. chiller
4. eldrich
5. defy
1. More bars in more places: Kundalini
2. Lies: Eldrich
3. Spring: Chris of Arabia
4. Spring: Antarctican
5. It comes in a can: Defy

Bars: Kundalini
Lies: Chiller
Royalty: Chris of Arabia
Spring: Defy
Can: Chris of Arabia

great job all!
1. More Bars in More Places: Chris of Arabia

2. Lies: ACcPhotography

3. Royalty: Anty

4. Spring: RVlad

5. It comes in a can: Defy
1. Bars....SleepingDragon

2. Lies....Kundalini

3. Royalty....Accphotography

4. Spring....Accphotograpy

5. Can....Defy
1. More Bars in More Places - Antarctican

2. Lies - Antarctican

3. Royalty - Chiller

4. Spring - Antarctican

5. It comes in a can - accphotography
Bars.....................Chris of Arabia
Can......................Defy, (H.M. to accphotography and Chris of Arabia!!!!)

Nice job!!!!

A lot of wonderful submissions! My votes go to:

1. More Bars in More Places - Chris of Arabia

2. Lies - Chiller

3. Royalty - Robbie Vlad

4. Spring - jedi32277

5. It comes in a can - Defy ( :lol: )
1. More Bars In More Places- Antarctican

2. Lies- Kundalini

3. Royalty- Chiller

4. Spring _ Eldrich

5. It Comes In A Can- Chiller
Give me a minute to look at the photos again for voting...... please


1. More Bars in More Places - Anty

2. Lies - accphotography

3. Royalty - Chiller

4. Spring - Chris of Arabia

5. It comes in a can - Defy
The results are in! (kundalini, you're votes are in here.)

Congrats to our Lucky 13 winner, suitably, Chiller with 14 votes

In second place, Defy with 8 votes

Third place goes to Antarctican, with 8 votes
(note: Chris of Arabia also had 8 votes, and the tie break left this order.)

In the individual categories:
1. More Bars in More Places - Antarctican (4 votes)
2. Lies - Chiller (5 votes)
3. Royalty - Chiller (5 votes)
4. Spring - Eldrich (3 votes)
5. It comes in a can - Defy (6 votes)

As always, if you see any mistakes, let me know, and I'll see you next week!
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Congrats to the winners as always and yet more apologies for not voting - don't know what it is, but the thread with the images regularly refuses to show me all the pictures and this evening less than half of them. It seems unfair to try and vote when I know I'm missing so many peoples pics - I couldn't even see my own this time round.

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