Finding Nemo


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
North Dakota
Has anybody seen Nemo yet? I have a 2 and a 3 year old, so my husband and I took them tonight. Actually a really cute movie. (I have no life)
hey jazze! im single with no children, and i still want to see it! was it good?

I think all Pixar movies are for everyone. They have no competition when it comes to CG movies. Story line, animation, texturing, lighting, and everything.

I haven't seen it yet though.
I loved it! The thing I like about kid movies is they usually throw in a few things that only the grown ups get. I would definately see it again. The sharks in the movie are trying to be vegetarian....they have a support group to help them not eat fish.....its pretty cute. :sun:
I finally went to see it last night and I thought it was great!

Disney (well, Pixar) has yet again pulled off an animated movie that is fun for both kids and adults.

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