Fireworks -C&C ... tips ... all welcome


TPF Noob!
Jan 28, 2012
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Arlington, VA
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Hey guys ....

Looking for some CC on these shots. I decided to try and take some fireworks shots. They didn't come out as expected (i should have solicited advise first on settings). I did some browsing and kept the aperture around f8 -f11 and shutter speed around 2.5-3.6. I really like fireworks and to be able to shoot them and shoot them well would be awesome.

You can see the rest here ...

Comments, Critique anything wanted and appreciated.

fireworks-15 by Art by QJ, on Flickr

fireworks-21 by Art by QJ, on Flickr

fireworks-18 by Art by QJ, on Flickr

fireworks-19 by Art by QJ, on Flickr
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First off, the title should read "Firework"

Now that we've got that out of the way, I think you missed it a bit this year, to be honest. The composition really isn't the best (one firework, in the smack center of the frame, with nothing really there to set it off), and there aren't any great colors. I think what you're missing is a bit of really good inspiration here. :(

Yeah i'm not too happy with the composition. These were the firework display in old town right on the potomac. I literally was on the edge of the river and had to turn the camera up words so I was only shooting the sky. Next time I will scout a better location. Also this show was 1 firework at a time.
I wonder what it would look like with a square crop. To make it more an abstract rather than a firework. kwim?

I like the colors, it makes me think of the sun and steel.
that's cool paigew never thought about that with the colors. edited the first post to add more
On a river is a SPECTACULAR place to NOT point it up at the sky! Get the whole scene, and hopefully a reflection in! Fireworks are ALWAYS more interesting if you have something to tie them to. Case in point:


Most people would say "Oh, a city is a terrible place to shoot fireworks! All these damned buildings!" But, this is one of my favorites I've seen. Great use of environment.

I wonder what it would look like with a square crop. To make it more an abstract rather than a firework. kwim?

I like the colors, it makes me think of the sun and steel.

Sun + steel is inherently a bad combination. It's too industrialized, and immediately puts most people's mind (besides the architecturally-sound) in a bit of a conflict between a great photo and the miserable decline of the earth due to such a combination. That's taking it to WAY left field, but it's true. Whether they realize it at first or not.

Square crop doesn't help. It simply isn't an abstract. It's a tack-sharp, very pronounced, and very line-y firework.

Not everyone has great scenery there mark, lol. I had to darken mine out because as Tyler put "that's about as epic as Maine gets" to my comment of nothing but a ramada Inn and ugly trees. I'd love to shoot in an area as you illustrated, but we don't all live in cool places, or can travel to such.
Fireworks are ALWAYS more interesting if you have something to tie them to.


Getting the single firework in the sky is a fun excersize, but generally boring images. Don't get me wrong, we've ALL done them.
The best fireworks images I've seen have the environment as well. Such as Mark's gorgeous image.
Not everyone has great scenery there mark, lol.
But it makes the difference between boring and fantastic. This is why some of the best photographers travel. To get the cool shots they can't get in their backyard.
Well, I wish I could take credit. But, it's not my image. Hopefully the watermark is enough to not get me flamed at around these parts! :-P


I won't flame you, but I was about to nominate it for POTM. Just sayin' :sexywink:
agreed... but never missing a moment to take a shot at maryland :lol: :-P there isn't anything scenic across the potomac! I blame this one on Maryland :-)

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