First HDR Try


TPF Noob!
Apr 14, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake City
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
First try at HDR - how did I do? It was a bit windy so the trees are a bit noisy.



For my taste you've gone a little far with the tonemapping as their are very obvious haloing and the skies don't look realistic for me. Other opinions may vary
If you were going for the HDR look well then I think you did fine. I personally am not a fan of over exaggerated HDR

I think you could have cropped the photos a little bit before positn but otherwise if you just showing off your first go at HDR then you did a great job :) Wait until you start playing with it in shots you're really excited about and really trying to capture all the detail that the scene has to offer. HDR is a wonderful tool, unfortunately I think its just used to much and to incorrectly.
#1 looks like a postcard....really cool
When you think you have the sliders where you want them, back them off 30%. Then when you think you're happy with it, back off the sliders another 10-15% of your initial increase. Then make sure it's still not over done, and export :)

I used to crank all the dials as well. It takes experience to learn when to say "this is enough".


I agree that they seem overdone, yet, froman artistic point of view, they are still interesting, specially #1. I am not a fan of the overdone HDR, but I still think these are interesting in a non-photo kind of way. I also think the horizon on #1 and #3 are a bit croocked, as the wall of the houses are not verticcal.
My opinion, for what it's worth:

I enjoy your subject matter, think you chose decent subjects and composed the frame in a pleasing way. The processing on the other hand is too much and unnatural. My personal idea of a well done HDR image is one where the viewer has to scratch his head and wonder "how did he do that?"

For a first attempt it's ok, try again.
Thanks for the input everyone. I will reprocess and try again.

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