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First photoshoot...sort of


TPF Noob!
Feb 14, 2011
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Hey all, I don't post here much but I figured I would share and get some C&C on my first photoshoot. The folks I showed the pics too love it, but they aren't photographers and I want a better opinion on the technical aspects. I know at least one has a bad crop point but I loved the pic so I couldn't avoid it. I've shot a couple of friends a few times but mostly just messing around and never trying to be serious plus some family but they are...well, terrible (I need to learn to light groups big time! lol).

For the basic technical details: Nikon D7000 shot some with 50mm 1.8 and some with my 70-200mm 2.8. My wireless triggers died the moment I pulled them out of my bag so I used my vivitar 285hv on camera to pop off my elinchrom 600rx through a softbox.








Things I've identified, let me know if you agree: crop on the elbow, crop on the toes, one pic the light was too low creating shadow going up on the nose, too slow shutter speed on a couple creating (IMO) unattractive bokeh from the camera shake, and a few have tilted horizons...grrr:madass:

Thanks to all who comment!
For your first shoot, these are not bad at all; in fact they're pretty good. Since there are rather a lot, I'll just hit a few high points I notice on each.

1. Key light was a little too hot, reflecotr needed 90 degrees model's right shoulder, cropped finger tips.

2. Bring the key light around about 30 deg camera right, raise it up.

3. Move key 20 deg left of where it was, raise it slightly, cropped toes.

4. Nice; not fond of the 'down low' shooting position however. Try and stay eye-level or even a little above.

5. Not bad, WB seems a hair off, tight crop.

6. Like this a lot; good exposure, ideal mix of flash & ambient; WHY is she centered in a square crop????

7. Flash too hot, WB off, crop too tight. Bring the key around 30 deg camera left, raise it up slightly, use a reflector to get some sparkle into the eyes.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

For your first shoot, these are not bad at all; in fact they're pretty good. Since there are rather a lot, I'll just hit a few high points I notice on each.

1. Key light was a little too hot, reflecotr needed 90 degrees model's right shoulder, cropped finger tips.

2. Bring the key light around about 30 deg camera right, raise it up.

3. Move key 20 deg left of where it was, raise it slightly, cropped toes.

4. Nice; not fond of the 'down low' shooting position however. Try and stay eye-level or even a little above.

5. Not bad, WB seems a hair off, tight crop.

6. Like this a lot; good exposure, ideal mix of flash & ambient; WHY is she centered in a square crop????

7. Flash too hot, WB off, crop too tight. Bring the key around 30 deg camera left, raise it up slightly, use a reflector to get some sparkle into the eyes.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.


Thanks for the feed back, all very valid. Totally can see what your talking about with the lighting positions. 3- yeah stupid toes, too bad it was done in camera :( 4-yeah I've been fighting with myself since I loaded those on the computer on whether I liked the shot or not (shot Wednesday evening) 6- glad you think so! It's my favorite. As for the crop, didn't even think about it but totally see your point (see below for a better crop).

Thanks again, appreciate the feedback.


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