First Portrait Shoot - C/C Welcome!


TPF Noob!
May 24, 2011
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the jersey shore
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I did this shoot for a local comedian in December. It was my first time doing anything like this, so I was nervous. Any and all critique is welcome. Looking for compositional suggestions as well as editing.


2 is a great shot. 3 needs to have a bit of a reflector pushing some light into the face.
1 is just overexposed and washed out. Fixable? probably. Worth fixing? probably not. Too many distractions in it.
2 is fantastic. Really nice.

I think you captured an interesting look on his face, but the treatment is kinda an odd choice and I cannot for the life of me figure out what the hell his head is sticking out of, which becomes very distracting.
Looking again... 2 is SO nice. REALLY really nice.
2 is a great shot. 3 needs to have a bit of a reflector pushing some light into the face.
1 is just overexposed and washed out. Fixable? probably. Worth fixing? probably not. Too many distractions in it.

2 is fantastic. Really nice.

I think you captured an interesting look on his face, but the treatment is kinda an odd choice and I cannot for the life of me figure out what the hell his head is sticking out of, which becomes very distracting.
Second shot is my favorite too.

I agree a reflector would have really helped on the third shot. It was all natural light, and the sun was super high and just creating so many odd shadows. It was a challenge - especially for a beginner portrait shooter.

The first shot, he was kind of poking his head through a playground jungle gym sort of thing. I tried so hard to make it work but the photos just fell flat. We foolishly thought it would be good to do the shoot in a playground. Bad call. It was very difficult to keep the photos from looking creepy.

Here are a couple more:

5. Strangely enough this was his favorite of the bunch. I wasn't a huge fan of it.

The crop on 4 hurts a bit. Could be cropped up to more of a head shot.
Really like the last one too!
I like #2 and i like the one that was his favorite. #3 would have been better if he was looking towards the sun instead of away. Him looking away caused a harsh shadow on his face.
for me i think number 2 is the strongest, and i like how you got creative with all the angles. number 3 would be a great shot if you bumped up the exposure and went down on the contrast/saturation

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