First wedding shots ever :)


TPF Noob!
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Kelowna, B.C.
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Ahhhh Mexico.



thanks! :)
actually, hardly any
just a little sharpening
the bottom one was a little over exposed
that's about it
The first and third images are with my 50mm f/1.2, yes :)
gotta love that lens
Try to keep your images small enough to fit on an average screen. It's hard to view the verticals especially...they are 1024 pixel high. Shoot for around 800 or smaller.

I was going to say that I think the faces should be a little brighter. But I think part of the problem is that my monitor looks darker near the top and I can't fit the whole image onto the screen. I do think it would help to have some catchlights in there eyes though.
Also, watch your level when you have water at the horizon. It usually looks weird when the water isn't level (as in #1).

Overall, very nice.
thanks big mike for the feedback, i agree with the water level
and ya, i'm tweaking the posting size haha... seems i'm either posting too big or too small :S thanks though!
i'm just learning photoshop and don't know how to do the eye catch lights? i'll look for some tutorials!

in regards to why i want to get rid of my 50mm...
i actually REALLY don't want to.....
i love it - it's amazing!! BUT... i really can't afford another lens right now and i Neeeeeed one. since it's worth so much, i'm hoping to get 2 lenses out of it.
ideally i want to replace it with a 17-40mm L and a sigma f/1.4.
that's the goal :p
i'm just learning photoshop and don't know how to do the eye catch lights? i'll look for some tutorials!
Best to do get them while shooting. All you need is a light source to shine into their eyes. it could be a flash, a hot light or even a reflector.

In Photoshop, you could just add a bright spot to the iris...but if it doesn't match the lighting in the will look weird.

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