Fisheye fun


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 4, 2010
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Wisconsin, United States
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A little background on the lens. I got it from my father, who bought it new in 1971, in Vietnam, while he was deployed there. It's a Nikkor 8mm f/2.8 fisheye. Fun lens, and I only wish I had a FF camera to take advantage of the circular image it produces. I make due with the cropped image it produces on my baby Nikon. Anywho, I went to a local botanical garden, and brought the fisheye, and 105 macro. These were the best of the fisheye. Photo #2 is actually just to give perspective on what photo #3 is. Photo #3 was taken of the ceiling, inside the structure. C&C welcome.

#1. If memory serves, f/22, 1/400
Nothing too special about this one, but I still liked it.


#2. Again, I think f/22, 1/320
Kind of a neat story behind this building. It was built in Thailand, disassembled, shipped to Madison, and reassembled. It's entire exterior is also covered with gold leaf. Ok, maybe that wasn't as interesting as I though once I wrote it down...


#3, and my personal favorite. f/8, 1/25
From inside the building, looking up at the ceiling.

Amazing! its great because you took subjects with ‘straight lines’. So it really makes the pic interesting since we haven’t seen the buildings like that before
#3 FTW, for sure. #1 and #2 look like a reflection in a round, smooth, chrome hubcap.
Why f/22 on the first two?
Thanks everyone for the compliments!

o hey tyler: Hmmm, valid question... Answer? I'm not entirely sure... Now that I think about it, I think it was a combination of not thinking it all the way through, and leaning toward overkill. When shooting the first one, I think I was thinking about long this particular section of the garden was, and how far away the other end of the pond was, and I was looking for maximum sharpness. As a result, I cranked the aperture all the way down. Since you brought it up, and I've mulled it over, I probably should have just gone with f/11, maybe f/16 at the most. f/22 was probably overkill and unnecessary. Would you agree?

As for the second one, I just didn't think about adjusting it. I just adjusted the shutter for a proper exposure and fired away. Rookie mistake...
Yes, I would agree that f/22 was definitely overkill. If I were you, I'd read up on hyperfocusing. It will allow you to get sharpness throughout the entire image, without having to use your smallest aperture. It will also decrease the amount of diffraction seen, because of the fact that you won't be using an incredibly small aperture. With such a wide lens, your DoF is already pretty large at f/8. Probably adequate enough to get the entire scene in focus. Give it a shot! :)

I like the images though, don't get me wrong.
Thanks for the feedback, I will definitely give it a try!

On a side note, do you perhaps have any links to good resources of what causes diffraction and what it actually looks like? I've always been curious about diffraction, but without an understanding of what it really looks like, I'm having a hard time understanding what it will affect in my photos. If that makes any sense..

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