Fisheye Question....


TPF Noob!
Oct 14, 2013
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Ok, I finally made the decision to buy a fisheye from B&H after much research. I purchased a Sigma 15mm f/2.8 after much debate since I own nearly all Nikon lens at this point. I am shooting with a D800 full frame.

This is my first time using the fisheye but understand the output I am getting (I watched numerous videos on Youtube... the one that sold me was a B&H video from Wedding Photography by Gene Ho).

My question: He shoots constantly with this lens at different angles just holding the camera... he says you don't have to really worry about being "in focus" with this lens so he is just hand holding on the ground, etc. without framing his shots.

Given all my experience is with lens where tack sharp focus is critical... I am struggling to grasp why you can just shoot away without worrying about focus... especially when wide open at 2.8? Is depth of field just not an issue with this type of lens?

So, do you have to shoot in a certain autofocus mode for best results?

Thanks, just looking for someone to explain this to me ...I ordered my lens today and should get it later this week so I am sure once I start experimenting I will get it, but looking for someone experienced to explain this technically under practical use.

The Depth of Field (distance from the camera that objects will appear in focus) is so fantastically deep on a fisheye that focusing is not needed. Shoot at f/5.6 and everything from 8" to infinity will be in focus.
Thanks for the reply 480sparky... that helps tremendously.

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