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flock of bald eagles


TPF Noob!
Aug 2, 2010
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Saint Louis MO
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Went on a short road trip to Reelfoot Lk and back. On the way down I was driving the back roads along the Mississippi -- including some of the levees.

I see bald eagles all year long now on the river and I see them nearly every time I go near the river. They've made a great come-back. Sometimes I see small groups of as many as half a dozen, but I wasn't prepared for what I saw yesterday. I was driving the levee on the MO side south of Chester IL and I ran into a flock of between 50 and 100 bald eagles -- I'm going to estimate about 80. I've never seen anything like it. I'm stunned.

I'm not a wildlife photographer and if you asked me to give you a snap answer on what lens I couldn't live without I say 24mm. So I wasn't prepared to photograph the birds, but just so my wife would believe me I grabbed this one snapshot; I count at least 40 eagles in just this frame and I swear this wasn't half of them.

Here's where they were: 37.810503,-89.703398 - Google Maps


That's incredible. I've only seen one in the wild myself.. back when I first got my zoom lens. I took about 20 terrible shots of it before it flew away :(
"Flock of Bald Eagles"

Cool band name. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Thats an incredible shot. :thumbup:
Wow that's crazy... I've never seen that many in one location before!
"Flock of Bald Eagles"

Cool band name. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


kinda been done already, mid '80s 'flock of seagulls' :lol:

I thought Bald eagles were only found in the high Sierra, wow!
Very cool! I have never seen more than 2 or 3 in the same general area.

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