Forearms and Chain


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 9, 2014
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Denton, TX
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Hmmm maybe I've made a composition error because that IS the entire thing ... just from the elbows up ... Maybe I should crop out the door frame
Ohhhh...that's an actual, real door frame!!! I thought that was some weird digital framing presentation, minus the bottom. Oh....
Where have you been kd? I miss your stuff... You come back after what seems a year (few weeks actually) and make me crop stuff out so I can get excited about your mad man creativity? You owe me a Fountain Moutain Dew! Lots of ICE darn it!
Crop out just the top of the door frame and try that. I too was expecting an amazing rest of the shot ;p

using tapatalk.
Where have you been kd? I miss your stuff... You come back after what seems a year (few weeks actually) and make me crop stuff out so I can get excited about your mad man creativity? You owe me a Fountain Moutain Dew! Lots of ICE darn it!

Well, thanks, it's kind of you to say that :) Actually I've been in class at Tarrant County College shooting film like crazy ... all my time has been soaked up in shooting film and making prints. It's really informative ... good times :)
Ohhhh...that's an actual, real door frame!!! I thought that was some weird digital framing presentation, minus the bottom. Oh....

Yeah, that's the door to my "studio" that I never use (I use my living room instead). I mounted that chain in one of the studs above the door. I can actually hang from it at my full weight. The backdrop is just a simple bedsheet draped across with the Speedo M11 behind it at 200 Ws. The forearms belong to my son who was visiting for the weekend.

Crop out just the top of the door frame and try that. I too was expecting an amazing rest of the shot ;p
This confirms what I thought might be a problem with the shot. The doorframe may be distracting and lead the eye out of the frame at the bottom. I wanted to give mystery to it, let the viewer wonder about the story as they looked at it. But if something like that is getting in the way ...

If I get a chance to reshoot it, I may get more of the model in it. Or I may just crop the door frame altogether.

Thanks everyone ... good feedback :)
I actually found this one whilst sifting thru Lightroom ... I think this one is better ... I lost the door frame, and used the same settings as the other shot.

without the door frame, which I also thought was a digital post process, it is now an outstanding photo

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