Fort Fisher after a rainy day


TPF Noob!
Mar 20, 2009
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Wilmington, NC
Can others edit my Photos
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Said to be one of the only spots on the east coast with natural rocks, at least here in NC. C&C away.

Wow! such an amazing scene! I love the ambience of the pic, did you use a slow shutter speed or was the fog already that thick?
Im just wondering what has been done to this in PP?
Water + air = mist

Sorry man lol What your seeing is the water at different levels of the exposure.
thanks, just a slow shutter speed ~20seconds. ill post up what it looks like with a short exposure later.
Im just wondering what has been done to this in PP?

as far as what aspect? anything particular? cropped, boosted brightness/contrast a tick, sharpened it a little, gradiented a little orange layer over the sky opacity set to a low%. i think i boosted saturation a hair too to make the green pop
Hmm, I would like to see how this looks as a B&W
Hi Matt, Great picture. Did you use a ND filter to drop it by 10 stops? I'm thinking of getting a Lee Filter Big Stopper, just wanted to see whats out there
matt62485 said:
Said to be one of the only spots on the east coast with natural rocks, at least here in NC. C&C away.

I am pretty sure Maine has plenty of natural rocks

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