four from today for C&C


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
coconut creek, FL
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
finally got to go to a local airport and take some pictures. all were taken with a canon T2i and kit 18-55mm lens.




4. lifting off from runway 09
Wish the last one was shot a few seconds later-- looks like the plane is sitting atop the building!
Really busy. Its kinda hard to focus on one thing.

But I do like the idea.
Wish the last one was shot a few seconds later-- looks like the plane is sitting atop the building!

haha it does, but unfortunetly there was another plane parked on the tarmac just in front of me and the plane taking off was behind the tail of the parked plane in the next few shots, once it was past the tail it was too far away for 55mm to get a good picture. that picture is heavily cropped to get rid of the tail and wing of the parked plane

once i get my new car i'll start saving for a 70-200 2.8 II IS and will be able to get a lot closer to the action
Really busy. Its kinda hard to focus on one thing.

But I do like the idea.

yea i noticed that too, but it was my first time going to this airport to shoot, so i was improvising on shooting positions to get a good angle on the planes, i have since done some homework using google earth and found some better shooting positions that should get me better angles so i should be able to get better pictures next time out... which should be monday or wednesday of this coming week
Three things...

1- Get your subject off the center. Either learn to center and recompose and image or use the other focus points.

2- Fill your frame with your subject. Get in close (or closer) and make your subject the actual subject of your image

3- Be mindful of backgrounds. That front shot is nice, but the busy-ness of the backgrounds removes from the image
First one looks pretty awesome. I am thinking if the bottom of the frame was cropped up a hair, it could be better.

The second one seems so-so. I feel like the other planes blend in too much with the front plane. Just gets really really busy.

The third one, I feel like all the whites blend in with each other. Making me think that a picture like this just probably wouldn't work. It looks like something that could be on a website for a plane company tho, so the quality is good.

With the fourth one, I also agree that if the plane was up a tad higher, it would be awesome!
They are all over exposed man. The planes are light colored. You could have brought the exposure down more and get some detail back from the sky. You are probably about 1 1/3 over exposed.
They are all over exposed man. The planes are light colored. You could have brought the exposure down more and get some detail back from the sky. You are probably about 1 1/3 over exposed.

now im pretty new to photography, i've had my camera for a little over 3 weeks. so by 1 1/3 over exposed are you talking about aperture? these were mostly shot in sports mode due to the speed of the planes taking off. and the aperture was set automatically by the camera...

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