Hey Y'all


TPF Noob!
Dec 3, 2024
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Hey Y'all new member here just joined. After a quick Google search I found this site. My reason in joining is a couple of Christmas ago I got my first DSLR a canon T8i. I love it! I havent learned half of what it can do but I love it. The kit lense 18-55mm came with it, but after my dad passed in 2020 he had two FD lenses that I bought an adapter for. One lense was the nifty 50 and the other was a manual 100-300 I don't know who it was made by.

My interest in photography is Aviation, Weather i.e. Llightning, Landscape & Wildlife and cars.

I went to an airshow earlier this year and used the 100-300 and did ok, i credit most of my bad shots to inexperience and the rest to that lense. On Thanksgiving we were at the beach an i was trying take pictures of some dolphins and pelicans. It just seems like I can't a good trips picture with the 100-300. So that leads me to this question.

Would I be better served going with the Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 II from Amazon or an older
Canon EF 100-300mm f4.5-5.6 USM from ebay. I'm so inexperienced to this i just want a good piece of glass that I can use when needed.

Sorry for being so long winded. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a great day.
G'day there welcome, looking forward to your wildlife shots.
Howdy and welcome! I can only tell you what I did, I ditched the Canon kit lenses and went with a Tamron 18-400mm and it has served me very well in most cases.

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