fox kit


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 10, 2021
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i had the pleasure of meeting this little guy last spring at a local refuge. the sun was starting to set and gave me a nice golden glow on the kit and plants. i usually prefer the eyes to be open, but in this case the eyes closed shot is my favorite.



Cuteness alert. Love the PP giving that dreamy effect.
Nice set!
Nice set. I like the one with the eyes closed also.
Very cute!
I'm envious. I live walking distance to the Lincoln Memorial and yet we have three Foxes that roam through the Foreign Affairs Training Center behind us but the best I've managed are some high ISO night shots.
I'm envious. I live walking distance to the Lincoln Memorial and yet we have three Foxes that roam through the Foreign Affairs Training Center behind us but the best I've managed are some high ISO night shots.

if you don't mind getting out of dc there's a few local wildlife refuges that are pretty good on the delmarva peninsula. blackwater nwr, prime hook nwr and bombay hook nwr. blackwater and bombay probably offer the best chance to photograph foxes in the spring. prime hook is a waste of time.
if you don't mind getting out of dc there's a few local wildlife refuges that are pretty good on the delmarva peninsula. blackwater nwr, prime hook nwr and bombay hook nwr. blackwater and bombay probably offer the best chance to photograph foxes in the spring. prime hook is a waste of time.

Good idea. I was actually thinking about going out to the Delmarva to do a little astrophotography as well.

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