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Getting my DSLR :) + Intro :)


TPF Noob!
Apr 10, 2006
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I currently have a Canon S3, I used to have a 35mm Canon Rebel but went digital and couldn't afford the digi Rebel..
Until now..
I got a great deal (I think) being Canadian.. Future Shop just had for $499 the Canon Rebel XT Kit, with free $114 value 4Gig CF Sony memory card..
Sooo I am reluctant to sell my S3 because of the neat color accent feature it has because I am ANTI PS... I really loath it not because I don't know how to use it but perhaps because i'm old school really if you take a photo then that's the photo you take if it's not right then take another..
However I do see PS has it's uses... but it's not for me.

So I have the kit lens, but I got myself the F1:1 50mm lens as I am on a budget and wasnt' planning on getting the kit until that deal came up.
I really would like to try another inexpensive lens in the not too distant future (after saving some more cash) the 80-200mm...

Also filters I am excited to try a polarizer ...
I am hoping to learn some about curves and some other basic stuff..
The link in my signature is some of the stuff I did with my old 35mm I am pretty excited to take up photography up again and join in here..

Here's a few I recently did with my S3, I can't wait to share some with my new camera ...


Internal color accent feature..

Nice pictures.

I just had to say something aboutthe PS / Post Processing issue. I guess I do not understand where everyone's hostility comes from about Post Processing.

Even back to the film days Postprocessing was always done. From the selection of the film (Pre Processing I guess) to the use of dodging burning fixing contrast problems etc... in the darkroom.

Great Photographers (like Ansel) spent hours in the darkroom experimenting with different types of papers/chemicals trying to acheive the result he had envisioned when he "snaped" his photograph.
Even for those that shot film that say they never PP any of their photographs, didn't they send them to a lab? All that accomplished is that the lab did the post for them. They actually made the creative desicions for the photographer! Some good some really bad.

With the event of digital, when you are shooting jpeg, the camera does most of the processing for you with whatever settings you told it to use, that's still post processing.

That doesn't mean that you should not strive to get the image as close to what you envision from the very beginning but some amount of PP will have to be done. If once and a while you get that great, awesome, fantastic shot right out of the camera, well even better, but saying that you hate Post Processing / Photo Shop well I, just guess I have to disagree with that thougt.

Anyway that's just my 2 cents. Not that anyone cares, just had to share..
I find it odd that you are "anti" Photoshop, yet the reason you are reluctant to sell your S3 is because of the color accent feature. This is more or less post-processing, it's just done in the camera instead of in a 3rd party software program.

I think if you were truly "old school" you'd be using film instead of digital. You can't do selective coloring with film.
I agree like I said it has its place I probably wasnt' clear enough on my own personal feelings. What I am tired of seeing especially from somewhat beginners like myself taking an original picture then making it into something else entirely using PS having nothing to do with photography skills more PS skills and saying 'look at the picture I took'
I understand about burning etc and I feel it has its place and a little cropping but some take it to extremes....
Call my a hypocrite I can take it.. but I don't use PS or photo editing software to get that effect my camera gave me that option so I could decide to use it BEFORE I took the shot and took the shot with the idea of how it would look not the other way around...
If you are a great photographer go ahead and use it but don't go out buy an expensive camera not bother to learn its features or try and better yourself take a crappy picture and make it look good in PS and try and take credit for it..

K.. rant over... do you understand where i'm coming from now or are we still where we were at before?

Edited to add, i'm still a noob so if i'm talking out my rear I apologize I may change my opinion but for now I have felt this way for some time...
I agree like I said it has its place I probably wasnt' clear enough on my own personal feelings. What I am tired of seeing especially from somewhat beginners like myself taking an original picture then making it into something else entirely using PS having nothing to do with photography skills more PS skills and saying 'look at the picture I took'
I understand about burning etc and I feel it has its place and a little cropping but some take it to extremes....
Call my a hypocrite I can take it.. but I don't use PS or photo editing software to get that effect my camera gave me that option so I could decide to use it BEFORE I took the shot and took the shot with the idea of how it would look not the other way around...
If you are a great photographer go ahead and use it but don't go out buy an expensive camera not bother to learn its features or try and better yourself take a crappy picture and make it look good in PS and try and take credit for it..

K.. rant over... do you understand where i'm coming from now or are we still where we were at before?

Edited to add, i'm still a noob so if i'm talking out my rear I apologize I may change my opinion but for now I have felt this way for some time...

I bought my first SLR in 1964 so I'm not exactly a "newbie" and I support your opinions completely.
I think if you were truly "old school" you'd be using film instead of digital. You can't do selective coloring with film.
I most certainly would be using film but, in today's world, it's not practical. R&D for film-based products ended some six to eight years ago and it ain't gonna return. Kodachrome no longer exists. Despite my preference for film, it's not a viable option.

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