Ghent United Methodist Church


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I cannot leave this this alone, because I am convinced that there is a picture here, someplace.


Comments, of course, welcome. Thank you in advance, and thank you for any comments you may have shared with me in the past. You are awesome.

Maybe like this. Brought the contrast up a tad, added some fill light, brought down some highlights then added some shadow and a little sharpening. I also straightened the steeple.
Last edited:
Lighter seems better. Nice shot. Ed
In the edits the image quality suffers from artificially bringing up the brightness. Plus the edits have some pretty bad halos.

Personally, I like the mood / feeling I get from the original.
jmo of course

It would be a nice shot if there weren't those branches in lower part of the photo. They are to distracting.
The branches in the right and up are balancing the church. It's good to have them there.

It is under exposed but I guess it suits the mood.
It IS underexposed and lacking the dynamic range. If you straighten it (it is tilted) and add some contrast to the sky, leaving the church dark, you may say there is some picture there. But it is still a meh picture, to be completely honest with you. Just my 2p, your tastes may differ.

The bottom branch sucks. The rest is great.
This is just a question, and you can treat it as rhetorical if you like. Dont read anything into it. Just some food for thought.

Why do you want the picture to be lighter?
I liked it lighter because the dark one was a little unpleasant to look at. That was my personal experience, though.

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