Glamour girl:)

I LOVE these images!!!.... I have the D7000 and that lens with a huge window to play with so these images tell me I have no excuses and to GET PRACTICING! Thanks for sharing, inspiring for me. :)
Oh my, beautiful pics
I LOVE these images!!!.... I have the D7000 and that lens with a huge window to play with so these images tell me I have no excuses and to GET PRACTICING! Thanks for sharing, inspiring for me. :)

Thanks!! I love that camera:)
I'm confused, you said you had one light about 5 feet behind you on the couch...but there are two catch lights in her eyes. *scratches head*

great shots...and she is a beauty so that helps. ;-)

Well there was another window probably 6 or so feet farther down past her feet on the same wall and a door in the room w a windows I should have said my main light source.
Are these self-portraits? She looks like your avatar. If so, that is some skill.
I'm confused, you said you had one light about 5 feet behind you on the couch...but there are two catch lights in her eyes. *scratches head*

great shots...and she is a beauty so that helps. ;-)

Well there was another window probably 6 or so feet farther down past her feet on the same wall and a door in the room w a windows I should have said my main light source.

well that would splain it then, lol. Guess for that shot the eyes picked up that windows reflection. ;-)

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