Good afternoon


TPF Noob!
Sep 20, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
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My name is Jeff and I have been shooting on and off as a hobby for around fifteen years now. I have gotten back into it recently and am going to make strides to develop myself into more than a hobbyist. I am currently shooting with a Canon 50D and have a few canon lenses (one L), a speedlite 430, and an assortment of other "cheap" things. I live in Chicago and will be on vacation soon in Oahu so hopefully I will have some shots to submit for constructive criticism.

I look forward to seeing your photos.
My name is Jeff and I have been shooting on and off as a hobby for around fifteen years now. I have gotten back into it recently and am going to make strides to develop myself into more than a hobbyist. I am currently shooting with a Canon 50D and have a few canon lenses (one L), a speedlite 430, and an assortment of other "cheap" things. I live in Chicago and will be on vacation soon in Oahu so hopefully I will have some shots to submit for constructive criticism.
Well, that's exciting! Make sure to visit the Polynesian Cultural Center when you get here. You can even message me and I can help you get discounts for tickets and such. ;)
I guess I should've checked back before my trip. Now that I am home, I'm going to post a few of my shots for CC
First attempt at posting a picture


  • _MG_3765-1.jpg
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While this is a nice picture, you would be much better off, delteing it and reposting in the appropriate forum. Lots of people don't look at the Welcome Forum for C/C pictures.
Thanks for letting me know

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