Good Morning Little Tree


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 6, 2009
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Atwater, CA
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Just a small tree lit-up by the morning sun.


Good Morning Little Tree - Tioga Pass Road, Yosemite - May 2012
5D, 70-200, ISO 100, f/11, 1/160
First impressions, nice B&W conversion and I do like the "light effect" on the tree, but I would like to see the colour image. If you had not told me, I would not have know that this was lit by the morning sun. Also, I am not sure what it is that I am looking at in the background - I see a log and a tree, but I am not sure what the rest of it is. Is it possible to bring out the background just a bit - it would provide a reference for the tree that is lit.
The light is beautiful.
The little sunlit tree is wonderful - full of charm and warmth and contrast and feeling. Then there is the background of darkness and stars and rather creepy woods. It's like, Bambi meets Blair Witch, and even if the moods were the same, the lighting doesn't match, and the contrasts are so different as to make me think these are two photos stitched together. Also, the background trees appear to have been cut - literally, as if by saw. So, overall, I find this photo confusing but full of potential.
WesternGuy is right... i see moonlight here, not sunlight... this should have stayed in color... or maybe do a new conversion of it..? :)
I also feel to convey the warmth of morning sunlight that this should have stayed in color. The B&W conversion is good, but I feel coolness and immediately see this as moonlight.
I definitely don't get a morning feel... so if that's what you intended, color would probably be better..BUTTTTTT... I LOVE this version... it's magical and beautiful.
I realy like the light effect on the tree as it's such a strong image. But my eye keeps on drifting to all that Black empty sky. Some how the full composition just feels a little unbalanced.

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