Gorhambury Ruins - IR

Wow! Thanks for all the positive post. I really appreciate your comments :) I think I will make a post to the General Gallery too, thanks Lafoto :thumbup:

To answer the IR queries ... they are shot with a digital camera with a Hoya R72 Infrared filter over the lens. Then in Photoshop the red and the blue channels are swapped to get the skys blue.

Thanks again :mrgreen:

duncanp said:
wow fantastic.... never knew there was this kinda place here in hertfordshire

Hi Duncanp.

Nor did I before I went and bought myself an OS map of the area! I scour the map looking for potential sites to photograph. Get one if you haven't already :)
LaFoto said:
Nowhere it is said that photos may not be posted in two forums at the same time. And no mod will "delete them accidentally", Archangel. What makes you say so?

Dunno :mrgreen: ...... na, just thought it may be seen as 'doubling up' the same thread...... like, i'v reported a bad thread before when someone has posted the same image in like three gallerys..... and two have been deleted..... so i thought one may be deleted accidently if a mod just saw two threads with the 'same' title ;)

sorry mo.... still lookin great btw :D
does anybody have a link to a tutorial on how to create IR effects in photoshop?
JEazy, I don't think there is a good IR effect in photoshop. There are a few actions out there but none really come close. Go get yourself a Hoya R72 filter and give it a go. They're resonably inexpensive. There's lots of sites out there that give tips on digital IR. Good luck :)
Mohain said:
JEazy, I don't think there is a good IR effect in photoshop. There are a few actions out there but none really come close. Go get yourself a Hoya R72 filter and give it a go. They're resonably inexpensive. There's lots of sites out there that give tips on digital IR. Good luck :)

alright thanks I'll pick one of those up when i order my new lens.
im not a fan of buildings but oh my gosh they are good! and the road side one blew me away.. fantastic!!!!
JEazy said:
alright thanks I'll pick one of those up when i order my new lens.

Some lens/camera combos dont like IR filters (sometimes you get a 'hotspot' too intense to deal with in PP). Worth looking around first to see if yours is OK first.

fotophia, thanks a lot :mrgreen:
Mohain said:
Some lens/camera combos dont like IR filters (sometimes you get a 'hotspot' too intense to deal with in PP). Worth looking around first to see if yours is OK first.

fotophia, thanks a lot :mrgreen:

hmm, would that be like that just for aspherical lenses or something? i don't know, i justin have a D50 and i would probobly stick it on my 18-55.

PS. sorry for jackin your thread with questions.
JEazy said:
hmm, would that be like that just for aspherical lenses or something? i don't know, i justin have a D50 and i would probobly stick it on my 18-55.

PS. sorry for jackin your thread with questions.

NP, it's all bumpage ;)

A quick google brings this site www.infrared-photography.co.uk all taken with a D50 and kit lens. A quote from the site "The images contained within this website have been taken with a standard Nikon D50 DSLR, using the AFS ED 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6 G EX lens as supplied. Because no modifications have been made to the camera the lens has to be fitted with an Infrared Filter, in this case a Hoya R72."

Fill ya boots :mrgreen:
Archangel, Just a quick informational post that you may have already gleaned information about from the net.

D50 is absolutely capable of IR, even with just a filter and no mods.

Take a look at this gallery. Done with an unmodified D50 and a Hoya 72 filter.

WOW! You have to make a tutorial on the photoshop techniques you used!
not sure who the last two posters are talking to but if they are responses to my post, the images I Linked in that gallery do not belong to me. They are just images that show what can be done in IR with a stock unmodified Nikon D50 (my weapon of choice)

My Hoya 72 will be here tomorrow (according to UPS from B&H) and I will begin my foray into the world of IR.

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