Gotta love old tractors


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 19, 2015
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A grey and wet day with constant rain. The crop was a tough decision for me because although the tractor is the main point of interest but the barn wall with hay bails falling out is also interesting to me.


Tractor in the rain.webp
Love that old tired iron. That there is a work horse. Familiar scene in my neck of the woods.
Nice; poor old dear just keeps going and going... Grill (and dash) appears rather Minneapolis-Moline, but the rest (esp. the Persian Orange-ish) looks Allis-Chalmers.
Nice; poor old dear just keeps going and going... Grill (and dash) appears rather Minneapolis-Moline, but the rest (esp. the Persian Orange-ish) looks Allis-Chalmers.

When I was posting this I was thinking you would surely chime in. You have quite the knowledge of farm equipment.
Thanks for the info.

:lol: A title like that and you were only thinking I would chime in... Yep, all my tractor knowin's and $2.50 will get me a cup of coffee at Tim Horton's!
:lol: A title like that and you were only thinking I would chime in... Yep, all my tractor knowin's and $2.50 will get me a cup of coffee at Tim Horton's!


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